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Luke is sitting at his desk as he stamps 'captured' on a man's profile before wiping sweat from his head with the towel that is around his neck.
"You're disappointed, aren't you?" Elena asks as she leans on his door frame while Wendy walks over, sitting on his desk.
"What are you talking about?" Luke asks her as he wipes his hands with the towel.
"The last arrest," Elena answers him as she walks into the office. "He was too easy. Target didn't even run."
"Ah, it's okay. Gives me a chance to hit the iron," Luke tells her with a slight smile, causing Wendy to roll her eyes as Luke stamps another profile. "Also lets me work on my stamping skills."
"You're a shitty liar," Wendy says with a smirk, causing Luke to playfully glare at her.
"See you tomorrow, boss," Elena says with a knowing look, as she glances between Luke and Wendy. "Wendy."
"I'll see you then," Luke tells her with a nod.
"Don't stay too late," Elena says as she points at Wendy before she walks out of the office.
"I'll stay as long as I want, Woman," Luke says with a playful smirk.
"I knew you would say that," Elena says as she walks away, causing Luke and Wendy to laugh. Luke picks up an envelope on his desk before letting out a sigh.
"You need to give that to her soon," Wendy says with a knowing smile, causing Luke to nod before he and Wendy try to catch up to Elena.

"Elena!" Luke calls as he and Wendy reach the parking lot before Luke gives her the envelope once they reach her.
"What's this?" Elena asks him as she looks at the envelope confused.
"It's the letter of recommendation you asked for," Luke answers her as Wendy slightly smiles. "Just know I meant every word in there."
"Thanks, Hobbs," Elena tells him with a small smile. "Thanks for everything."
"Come on, way too sentimental right now," Luke says as he looks around, causing Elena and Wendy to laugh. "Get home. Good night."
"Okay, Good night," Elena says before she gets into her car.
"Lets get out of here," Luke says with a smirk as he wraps an arm around Wendy.
"All right, handsome. Let me go get my things," Wendy tells him before giving Luke a quick kiss.
"You got five minutes, beautiful," Luke says with a smirk before Wendy walks inside. As Wendy is walking back to her office she sees a man at Luke's computer, typing. Wendy reaches for her gun before realizing that she left it in Luke's office when they went to follow after Elena. Wendy lets out a breath before she clears her throat as she walks into Luke's office because how hard could it be to take out one man.
"Just one sec," The man says as he holds up a finger.
"You sure as hell ain't the IT guy," Wendy says as she stares at the man before looking around the office to see her gun beside the man. "So you better start talking before I break that finger six different ways and stick it right where the sun doesn't shine."
"Agent Diaz, right?" The man asks without looking at her.
"It's Agent Hobbs actually," Wendy answers him with a slight smirk. "I'm also the last woman on Earth whose husband's computer you want to be hacking into. You just earned yourself a dance with the devil. You're under arrest."
"Like I said, I'm here for the team that crippled my brother," The man says as he continues to look at the computer screen, causing Wendy to look at him confused before realizing that he must be a Shaw.
"There was no team," Wendy tells him in order to protect everyone involved. "It was just one person, and she's standing right in front of you." Shaw pulls an usb device out of the computer.
"You were wrong," Shaw says as he turns to face Wendy, causing her to glare at him. "You are the shitty liar." Shaw kicks the desk at Wendy, causing her to back up before Shaw jumps over the desk, kicking Wendy in the face which sends Wendy through the glass wall. Wendy tackles Shaw through one glass wall before punching Shaw, causing him to fall through another wall. They exchange punches before Shaw tackles Wendy to a lower level, landing on a desk. Wendy groans as she rolls off the desk before standing up. They continue to exchange punches before Wendy tackles Shaw through a table onto the ground.
"Damn IT guys," Wendy says as she gets up before Shaw grabs a piece of glass, slicing through Wendy's thigh. Shaw gets up grabbing a light before slamming it into Wendy, causing her to flip over a couch. Wendy looks up to see a gun strapped under the desk above her before she grabs the gun, shooting at Shaw who ducks for cover.
"Wendy!" Luke calls as he rushes into the room before also shooting at Shaw.
"On me!" Wendy orders Luke as she stands up before they make their way forward while shooting in Shaw's direction. Shaw throws a bomb at Wendy before flipping a desk, hiding behind it.
"Wendy!" Luke yells as he sees the bomb before he sees his wife. Luke grabs Wendy as the bomb goes off before the explosion sends them out of the building. The blast sends the desk that Shaw is behind flying back against the wall, along with him. Luke lands on the roof of a car with Wendy safely on top of him.
"Handsome?" Wendy asks as she struggles to catch her breath but Luke doesn't respond. "Luke!" Shaw gets out of behind the desk, looking around before his eyes land on Luke's computer which has Han Lue's profile brought up.

"Shattered his collarbone, fractured his leg in two places," Elena explains to Dom as she leads him to Luke's room. "Wendy only regained consciousness this morning. The first thing she said was 'Get me Dom'. They're in here." Elena leads Dom into the room as she smiles at Wendy sitting in the corner with Samantha in her lap. "Got something for you. Your files."
"Thank you," Luke tells her as he takes the files before he starts to flip through them.
"You risk life and limb to save the free world and what do they give you?" Dom asks as he looks at Luke. "Jell-O and a bad '70s TV show." They look at the TV to see Hulk come on screen, causing Luke to chuckle.
"You know it's got its perks," Luke tells him with a smirk, knowing that he would earn a glare from Wendy. "Sponge baths ain't that bad."
"Dad!" Samantha calls while Wendy playfully glares at Luke.
"I'm sorry, baby," Luke says as he and Dom look over at her and Wendy.
"Dad?" Dom asks confused.
"Honey, I want to introduce you to somebody. He's a, uh... He's an old friend. Go on and say hello," Luke introduces them with a smile.
"Dominic Toretto, Right?" Samantha asks as she stands in front of Dom while Wendy goes to look at the files. "My dad said he kicked your ass once."
"Young lady, watch your mouth," Wendy scolds her as Dom looks over at Luke, who shrugs.
"Your dad's on heavy pain meds," Dom says with a smirk, causing Luke and Wendy to laugh. "I can understand if his history is a little hazy."
"I doubt it," Samantha retorts, causing Dom to smile.
"All right, honey, that's enough," Wendy scolds her again. "I want you to go get something to eat with Elena while me, dad, and Toretto have a talk. You hear me."
"Come on, lady. Lets get some cookies," Elena tells her before they leave the room.
"Who did this?" Dom asks as he steps closer to the bed.
"You remember Owen Shaw?" Luke asks him back, causing Dom to nod. "The one we tore half of London down trying to get. Well, this is his big bad brother."
"Take a look at this," Wendy says as she hands the files to Dom, having a slight limp as she walks from the slice to the thigh.
"Deckard Shaw," Dom says as he looks at the profile.
"British Special Forces assassin," Wendy explains as she shakes her head, having realized her mistake in trying to fight him alone. "The kind of unique asset that no government would ever admit to employing."
"Black Ops Boys," Dom says in understanding.
"Worse. They created a monster," Luke corrects him as he grabs Wendy's hand, thankful that she was able to hold her own against Deckard. "They felt Shaw was a necessary evil until eventually they decided he was unnecessary. The powers that be felt that he knew just a little bit too much. The asset became a liability. So they sent in 20 elite operatives to retire him."
"And they missed," Dom guesses with a frown.
"That was six years ago, and Shaw's been a ghost ever since," Wendy says as she nods in agreement.
"Until now," Dom states as a determined look appears on his face. "How do I find him?"
"The official answer is, you don't," Luke answers him as he shakes his head.
"He killed Han," Dom tells him with narrowed eyes. "Almost killed my family."
"He also tried to put me and my wife in body bags too," Luke interrupts him as Wendy squeezes his hand. "Which is why when I get out, I'm gonna put a hurt on him so bad he's gonna wish his mama had kept her legs closed. But until then, my official answer to you is stand down."
"Now, you know I can't do that," Dom tells him, causing Wendy to lightly smile.
"I do know you, Dom," Luke says with a nod. "Which is why now I give you the brother to brother answer. You do whatever it is you gotta do. When you find that sumbitch, just do me two favors."
"What's that?" Dom asks him with a raised eyebrow.
"Make sure that my wife makes it back home because I know that she's not going to sit this one out," Luke answers him with a smile while Wendy playfully nudges him. "And don't miss."

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