Chapter 4

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"Sir? A word? I need to ask you a few questions."

The officer gestures towards the awaiting chairs. Ben sits, quite dramatically. He's so tired. His eyes dart over and over towards the doors, worry eating him alive. 

Is Rey okay?

What have they done to help her?

What is even wrong with her? 

Why is she hurt? Why is she so thin?

Did he cause her to get into this situation? Him and his friends? Is she like this because they bullied her?

The officer speaks, pulling his attentions away from the door. 

"Just some basic questions, Mr. Solo. The detective is on his way."

Ben looks up at the officer in surprise and confusion, his brows furrowing. 

"Detective? Why is a detective coming?"

The uniformed man hovers over Ben, as if he might take off running towards the woman he'd brought into the hospital. 

"You'll discuss that with him when he arrives. Detective Dameron needs to speak to the both of you. 

"As in, Poe Damer….."

Before he can finish, the door swings open. A shorter, stockier man enters, wearing a grey suit, his floppy, curly hair quite the mess. He strodes purposefully in, as if he owns the room. 

"Shit," Ben mutters. 

"Hi, officer, thanks for waiting, I got it from here," the detective says to him. The officer nods, giving Ben a skeptical eye. 

Poe doesn't give Ben a glance, still instructing the officer. "I need you to go stand guard outside the patients room, make sure they keep her there until I can get there."

"Yes, sir," the officer responds, leaving the room with the authority boasted upon him. 

Then the detective grabs another chair, without a glance at Ben. Hauling it across the room, he sets himself up right across from Ben, giving a look at the security guard. 

"May need you to stay, that good?"

The guard still has his large biceps crossed, feet spread as he nods. 

Reaching in his pocket for his phone, Poe opens the screen, turning on the camera. Still not looking at Ben, he sets it on the chair a few feet away. 

"Now," he sits, adjusting his tie, his knees almost touching Ben's, "let's get start…"

Poe looks up, then the words freeze in his throat. 

His brows nearly touch his hairline. 

"Ben? Solo? Ben Solo?"

Ben pops out a sarcastic, "Yep."

"Wow, shit. What the fuck…Ben, they told me you brought in a young woman, beat to hell and back, hair chopped off, unconscious. What the fuck happened to your face?"

Ben reaches up and touches the bandages, the slice across his face slowly healing. He had quite forgotten about it. It was a bitch to stitch up and the doctor suggested plastic surgery. Ben was never one for his physical appearance, so he just shrugged it off. It barely even hurts now. 

Shit, between Rey's appearance and his own, it hits him exactly how all of this appears. No wonder the cops were called. 

"Um, it's fine. Kitchen mishap. Knife slipped."

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