Chapter 6

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I'm so sorry!!

I had a tooth break on me, something I do not recommend. The night before my vacation, no less! So I spent the night in the ER, then a week in Georgia (United States) dealing with this tooth. I had the most perfect writing spot, a screened porch overlooking a pretty lake. Yet I was unable to write, as the pain meds took my imagination away. It was a lovely vacation, but I didn't have many moments to myself.

Then I return home and rush from dentist to dentist. Root canals are not fun, at all. Did you know that not all roots can be seen by x-ray? Did you know that the dentist can miss a root, hitting it and remind you of child birth?

I bet the hygienist still has bruises.

It's been a week since my root canal and I'm still sore.

I also had several chapters written, short of editing. Then BOOM, plot ideas attacked, blowing everything out of the water. Which, I think this lil' plot bunny will bode well in the overall story. Still though, I had to write a new chapter.

Wallah, here we are.

I won't make any promises of new updates, as CLEARLY I suck at keeping my word.

Once again, apologies. Hopefully you'll like this. Sorry in advance for the angst.

P.S. Did you see the new Adam pics out of Italy? With his adorably wrinkled, touristy, Vans wearing, camera touting self?



As the front doors to the hospital slide open, Ben hesitates, unsure of himself and the reason he’s there.

Maybe Rey doesn’t want to see him?

Ben can’t help himself, though. He has to know she’s okay. He has to see for himself.

Without warning, pain shoots from his lower back straight into the back of his skull, bringing tears to his eyes.

Ben turns, his eyes seeing no one until a voice speaks.


Looking down, he finds an elderly lady, walker in hand.

“Damn young people, keep moving! A whole brick house, this one,” she mutters under her breath, finagling her walker around him.

“Sorry, sorry,” he mumbles, to which he receives the reply of her middle finger.

He chuckles, relieved that he didn’t hurt her.

The bags he is carrying have tumbled out of his arms. Slowly he regathers them, checking to see if anything has slipped from them.

Extra blankets, a cozy throw pillow, a hoodie he’d found that looked warm, leggings in what he thinks was her size and sweater type knee socks.

He’d felt quite silly, holding up the clothes inside the store, guessing her size. He’d known she prefers hoodies because she’d worn them both times he’s seen her.

The first, when she tried to steal his car and slashed his face, and the second when she’d returned to spy on him.

So what if he’d gone shopping for clothing for his own personal car thief and attacker?

His life is a series of oddities and weird happenings. What’s one more?

Ben didn’t understand exactly why he was helping her. He just knew that sometimes people needed a leg up. If she was willing, he’d like to atone for his past behavior.

Thief (of my heart)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora