2: heartbreaks a bitch

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ashley went through that day trying to forget about what claire said. was it true, did kyle really cheat on her with claire? I mean out of all people why her? did he want get back at her for something she did? was it just because he was drunk? she had so many questions and she knew she would have to confront him to find out the real truth. so just like she said right after school ashely went straight over to kyle's car.

"Is it true, is what caire said true" ashley beamed angrily.

"is what true" kyle asked clueless

"you know damn well what im talking about... so did you sleep with her and cheat on me" ashley asked tears already in her eyes and streaming down her face.

"I was drunk okay and i'm sorry, I was being stupid and dumb and im sorry"

"so that gives you the right to cheat on me with claire, I actually cared about you, but you know what, steve was right you are an asshole" ashley said more angry then sad and walked away to her own car.

kyle didn't even seem to care so I guess that was the answer. when ashley got home the first thing she noticed was the stench of alcohol, meaning her dad had been drinking. she was used to this as her dad was always stressed and this is how he copes. her mom was most likely at work and her dad was sleeping in the living room. she went straight to her bedroom trying to ignore the stench and just cried. now ashley wasn't really a crier at least not in public mostly to herself and steve. speaking of Steve she debated if she should call and tell him what happened but she would never hear the end of "I told you so" so she decided against it. she could hear her dad wake up from the living room and come to her's.

"what the hell is all this noise i'm trying to sleep" her dad said anger clear in his voice.

"kyle cheated on me not that you would care" ashley mumbled still crying though her dad could hear it.

"yeah, I don't care" her dad let out a dry laugh before continuing 

"and good you guys were never good together you always treated him like shit"

"yeah well at least I actually cared about him" she said annoyance and anger clear in her tone

"whatever no one should return the favor of love to you, you're such a worthless bitch like your mother, you are going to turn out like her, you're both screw ups." her dad screamed and laughed mischievously.

ashley just walked out of her room continuing to cry ignoring her father remarks to get back inside, got into her car and drove off to the only person's house that would make her feel better at this time. steve.


It's starting to get interesting

also sorry this is so shit. I'm just going to edit the spelling and such right now. I dont want to bother with a complete re write. 


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