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Winter break: a time off of school to celebrate wintery holidays, play around in the snow, and eat an overwhelming amount of Christmas cookies. Every year it was usually just my dad, my little brother, and I locked up in our small home, drinking hot chocolate, and occasionally going outside to ski or build a snowman. This year, however, was different. I had been through a lot my senior year, my brother getting diagnosed and fighting cancer (which was gone for now), my mom reuniting with our family after leaving us after four long years, and of course being friendzoned. It had been a rough couple of months, but my dad was finally supplying the break I had deserved, England.

My dad was an English professor at the local college and was attending what appeared to be a Shakespeare Exposition with an old college friend that lived in London. He was travelling for the seminar; I was travelling for a vacation. A much need vacation, I might add. At first, I wanted this vacation to get away from two girls who were pulling at my heartstrings: Danielle Clarke, the queen bee of my high school, and Emily Woods, the new girl in town. Except, I began learning that it wasn't about the girls at all. It was about me.

Senior year wasn't a walk in the park and with all the stress I've been under, a trip to the London Eye or Buckingham Palace seemed ideal. I nudged my dad who was in the seat next to me on the plane, he had this strange ability where he could sleep anywhere he was. I even found him asleep standing up one time. His eyes opened to the sleep mask covering his face, and he lifted it slightly to reveal one blue eye, "Are we there yet?"

"Yes, Dad," I informed him, pulling an earbud out from my ear, "It's 7 am."

Dad lifted the window shade to reveal an overwhelming amount of sunlight, "Guess it is," he pulled the sleep mask off of his face and prepared himself to exit the plane.

I followed him off the jet bridge, once we landed safely, and into the airport. My dad and I waited with our luggage until his friend arrived to pick us up, "Why haven't I heard of Sam before, Dad?" I casually asked as we stood.

Sam and my dad were apparently inseparable for most of college, but I found it incredibly odd that I had never heard of him. I knew about Jim, the oaf from my dad's first job at the post office, and Dax, the motorcycle riding buffoon that convinced my dad to wear a ponytail in his hair for about two years, but never Sam.

"Well," my dad peered down at me, still wearing his neck pillow around his shoulders, "to be honest, your mom wasn't entirely fond of Sam."

"Oh, why's that?"

Before I could get my answer, a small white car pulled before us. As the door of the car swung open, a tall, gorgeous woman stepped out of the vehicle. Her hair was dark and billowed out behind her as the wind caught it. She removed her sunglasses, pushing them to the top of her head to reveal her chocolate colored eyes, and flashed a perfectly straight smile, probably the result of some serious orthodontia. She approached my dad and me and gave a warm expression before wrapping her arms around my dad, "Luther," she gave him a quick hug, "It's so nice to see you."

"It's great to see you too, Sam," my dad responded.

My mouth nearly dropped open. It was no wonder why my mom wasn't "entirely fond" of Sam. Sam was not only a girl, but a complete bombshell.

My dad suddenly pulled away from the hug, "Sam, this is my son, Brenden. Brenden, this is Sam...or Samantha."

Awkwardly, I lifted my hand up to wave, until she quickly embraced me, "It is so nice to meet you. Your father and I were so close back in college, practically inseparable," from how tightly she held on I could see why. Samantha was a hugger. She finally let go then tapped on the window of her car. Slowly, it rolled down to unveil an annoyed looking teenage girl, "Honey," Samantha engaged, "come out and say hello."

Friendzoned in LondonWhere stories live. Discover now