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The next morning, I wrestled to fit all my belongings back into my suitcase. There wasn't much room left what with all the souvenirs and everything. A jersey from England's national football team for my brother, a small print from a local artist for my best friend Pete, a poster of the Queen for my other friend Schoop –don't ask, and a David Bowie t-shirt for a certain red-headed 80's pop music lover.

"Need any help?" I glanced over my shoulder to catch a final glimpse of Nathalie leaning in the doorway. She tilted her head at me before slowly approaching and sitting on my bed, "Won't be the same without you here, Bren."

I smiled sheepishly to myself, "Well, I won't be too far away," my words didn't necessarily refer to our physical distance, and I think Nathalie knew that. She gave me a slight nod before grabbing my hand.

"I wanted to show you something," she dragged me by the arm out into the hallway. She opened the door to her father's office, just opposite the room of mine. It was still dusty and cluttered as ever, but there was a new addition to the wall. Adjacent to a bookshelf and a pile of boxes was a peg board. There, tacked up in a familiar fashion was Nathalie's map.

"It looks nice in here," I gestured to the map.

"Look closer," she nudged me a little bit.

I did as I was told and took a few paces closer. I noticed a new pin on the other side of the world. A green pin had been pushed into America's Midwest. I smiled, knowing exactly where she had picked. "Wisconsin would be happy to have you."

She giggled a little bit and gave me a hug.

My dad called for us from the bottom of the steps, "Hurry up, son, we've got a plane to catch!"

I gathered the rest of my things and began to struggle down the steps. Outside, there was a taxi waiting for us. Sam was just finishing up giving my dad a hug.

I turned to Nathalie, "Well, back to reality, I guess."

She nestled in for one last embrace, as she pulled away she socked me in the arm, "Ow," I whimpered, clutching bruise that was currently being formed.

"If you ever tell anyone that I kissed my own brother," she threatened, "I'll hit you much harder than that."

"Noted," I gave her a nod and a comedic smile.

Sam wrapped her arms around me and gave me a kiss on the cheek, "You're welcome back any time, dear."

I gave her a nod, trying to escape her tight embrace. As I let go, I caught sight of my dad being as awkward as ever. Nathalie was standing before him and his body language was uncomfortable. I could tell he didn't know whether to hug her or give her a handshake.

Nathalie was hesitant at first too, but eventually she was able to place her arms on his shoulders and gave him a quick squeeze.

"Don't be a stranger!" Sam called from the front porch. She put her arm around her daughter's shoulder, waving while we stepped into the vehicle.

I looked back out the window and remembered the bubbly brunette woman and her teeth clenching daughter when the break first started.

Winter break: a time off of school to make new friends, friendzone a foreign girl, and kiss your sister. Not exactly the vacation that I had in mind, but nevertheless, it was a vacation that I was never going to forget. 

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