Chapter Three- The letter

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Once you got back home you were heading to bed. When you heard the doorbell you were a little shocked considering how late it was.

You walked over to the door and see a letter peeking through the mail slot and falling to the floor.

You picked it up and tore it opened eager to see the contents.

It read:

Dear Y/N,
I wanted you to know I had a great time at dinner tonight and I would love to have you over again tomorrow for dinner again with my family. My sons love you and I hope you are willing to come over again at the same time tomorrow afternoon. You are a wonderful girl and I can't help but smile when I see you,
                             - Love Kendra ❤️

You smiled down at the note blushing slightly at the last sentence.

You planned on going the next day. You loved seeing Kendra and enjoyed your time together.

You took the letter up to your bedroom and set it on your dresser while you changed into your pajamas and went to sleep.

A/N: I hope you are enjoying the story so far regardless of how badly it's written and how cringy it truly is. I'm trying to add more parts more frequently but it's quite difficult considering the circumstances I'm in. I hope you can understand and have fun reading!

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