Chapter 5

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Yuya was prepared as his next opponent Julia walked onto the stage. He watches the field change into a gem like castle. He looked around before looking back to Julia.

Yuya: "So dipper was an xyz specialist, are you one as well or something else?"

Julia: "Oh, I have something different for our duel, and I'll be starting this duel."

Yuya: "Be my guest, I'd love to see how you start."

Both Yuya and Julia activate the duel disks.

Julia: "I'll start by activating the spell card Gem-knight fusion, to fuse together my Gem-knight sapphire, crystal, and garnet to fusion summon one of my most treasured monsters, I summon Gem-knight Master diamond!"

Yuya watches as a massive knight appears on his opponent field. He smiles and starts moving around.

Julia: "I'll end my turn here."

Yuya: "Then I'll happily start the turn and draw! I set the pendulum scale with scale one odd-eyes persona dragon and scale eight odd-eyes mirage dragon."

The two dragons rise into the sky.

Yuya: "I'll now pendulum summon my Performapal dagdaggernan Odd-eyes dragon to the field."

Yuya's ace dragon appears as he smiles brightly.

Yuya: "Your fusion summon is quiet impressive, I think I fusion summon as well, but with a special card as I activate pendulum fusion!"

Julia: "Oh yeah? And what's so special about this card?"

Yuya: "You see, when I have two monsters in my pendulum zones, I am allowed to use them when I fusion summon."

Everyone gasped, they didn't expect Yuya to fuse from his pendulum zones.

Yuya: "So now I will use my Odd-eyes mirage dragon with my performapal daddaggerman to fusion summon! Mighty dragon of heterochromic eyes, appear on the field and wipe away the opponents might with your intense heat. Here comes Brave-eyes pendulum dragon!"

A new dragon appears on the field as it roars and flames surround master diamond.

Yuya: "My dragon's effect activates, your monster loses all its attack points, and Brave-eyes gains one hundred attack points for each monster that lost attack points!"

Julia watches in horror as her knight grows weak when the flames vanish. Julia starts looking around and starts running to an action card.

Yuya: "My drave eyes will attack your master diamond!"

Brave eyes jumps up and fires a blast at Julia's knight, only for the knight to get out of the way.

Julia: "I use the action card evasion to negate the attack."

Yuya: "Alright, then odd-eyes will attack next!"

Julia spots an action card and runs to it as odd-eyes fires it's attack. As Julia is about to grab the card her hand touches a pillar, and she looks behind her in horror as she realizes she was looking at the reflection. Odd-eyes' attack his master diamond destroying it.

Julia LP: 4000 >>> 1500

Yuya: "And now odd-eyes' effect activates, you take damage equal to half your monster's original attack points."

Julia LP: 1500 >>> 50

Yuya: "I set one card face down and end my turn."

Julia growls in anger as she picks up the action can and draws from her deck.

Julia: "I activate brilliant fuison, this spell allows me to fuison summon my Gem-knight alexandrite, emerald, and obsidian from my deck. I fuse my knights together to form my strongest monster, Gem-knight lady brilliant diamond!"

A new knight appears as it seems to get weakened.

Julia: "Because I used brilliant fuison, it's attack points are dropped to zero; however, if I discard a magic card my monster's attack points return to normal."

Julia begins running around the field until she sees a card and grabs it before discarding it. Lady brilliant's attack returns to normal.

Julia: "Now my monster will attack! Destroy his Brave-eyes"

Yuya smirks as his dragon was destroyed.

Yuya: "My trap, defense draw activates, negating the damages and allowing me to draw a card."

Yuya draws a card

Yuya: "Your quite strong, however I think it's time we end the duel."

Julia: "Oh yeah? And how do you plan to do that?"

Yuya: "Well you're going to have to wait till my turn."

Julia ends her turn as Yuya draws.

Yuya: "I set scale 1 stargazer magician into the pendulum scale and pendulum summon my preformapal dagdaggernan and odd-eyes persona dragon back from my extra deck. Then I activate odd-eyes fusion to fuse both of them together. I fusion summon my Odd-eyes vortex dragon, and it's effect sends Lady brilliant diamond back to your extra deck!"

Julia watches in horror as her monster disappears and rushes to grab a action card.

Yuya: "Odd-eyes vortex dragon attacks you directly!"

Julia: "Not so fast, I activate the action card evasion to negate the attack."

Yuya: "I activate odd-eyes vortex dragon's effect, by shuffling odd-eyes persona dragon back into the deck, your action spell is negates."

Julia's eyes widen in shock as his spell was destroyed. Soon get hit with a blast of wind and is sent flying backwards.

Julia LP: 50 >>> 0

Yuya bows before he is tackled by his dragons. Somehow Brave-eyes appears and nuzzles Yuya with the others. Everyone was in shock at how Yuya seemed to be in control of the duel anytime he faced an opponent.

Yuya's dragons and the field vanish as Julia gets up to head to the stands, and Yuya's final opponent walks onto the field.


Brave-eyes has appeared, the duels are turning out good in my opinion. What do you guys and gals think? I hope you enjoyed and can't wait to see what you suspect the next odd-eyes to appear it.

The heterochromic duelist (Adopted)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant