Chapter 2.

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A/N: ..Soo.. reason why this came out a few days after the other chapter was because I didn't like how I wrote it at first so I rewrote it.. again.. and again

than I couldn't think of a color so I spent almost maybe 5 hours trying to think of one that didn't sound cringy but OH WELL, Gave up so.. sorry if this chapter seems cringy still some parts. I'm really trying but if you have any pointers, please share! I'm trying to get better at writing

             Third POV

Mk sipped his drink as he silently sat on his bed, consuming the information and request he was just asked "Okay okay" he started "Let me get this straight.. You are asking me, if you could go to the monkey king to ask him for help because a few months ago, weird things started happening to you and around the house and you were worried you would injure your cat and than when you reached for something, it flew straight to your face and thaaaaan-"

Mk took a deep breath

"your powers started responding to your emotions and just kept acting out on its own quite randomly so you really wanted help so you came here to hope that the monkey king could help you before anything incredibly bad happened." Mk tapped his chin "did I get that right..?" He asked which caused odd to nod.

"Yeeeah..that's about right." Odd laughed nervously, staring at her drink, honestly it sounded so fictional to hear outloud, she wouldn't be surprised if he didn't believe her. Maybe coming to ask Mk was a mistake.

It was silent..

And kinda awkward.

He stared at her which only made her feel even more awkward. If he was any other person, he would of  thought she was crazy! Who just randomly says that to someone in hopes they'll believe them and help them..? But since it was Mk. He sure as hell believed them "Mmm Yeah maybe monkey king can help! Let's go!"

Odd choked on her soda "W..Wait now?! Wait you actually Believed Me?!" Odd yelled "Yeah! Honestly if I was someone else, I would of thought you were crazy!" Mk laughed as he grabbed her hand and his staff "Wait wait!" Odd yelled as she grabbed her shoes before blasting out the window with Mk on his staff.

Odd hugged the staff tightly as she squeezed her eyes shut, trying to hug the staff more tightly as her life LITERALLY depended on it and as much as she thought she would enjoy flying on a magical staff,

She would of LOVED a warning!

Suddenly being so high up in the air was not a good feeling. She felt her stomach twist in an uneasy way, she would be quite upset if she threw up her lunch..

After what was probably a minute, Mk yelled out for her to hold onto something before the two of them crashed into the ground, Odd sliding across a sandy surface, feeling dizzy and quite sick to her stomach, she groaned out

"Never.. ever do that again.. ...please.."

Rubbing the back of her head as she crashed into a boulder. Mk only groaned in response as he had gotten his head stuck in sand.

Odd slowly got up, her legs shaking as she did, that was quite the experience she hoped would never happen again.

Any time soon anyways.

She made her way over to Mk and got onto her knees, digging around his head to quickly get him out. Mk grabbed her shoulder tightly and yanked his head out, gasping for air and nervously laughing before standing up and extending his arm towards the mountain beside them "Welcome to Flower fruit mountain! Now come on! We just gotta get to him!" Mk yelled, grabbing her hand and dragging her "At least let me put my shoes oooon" she whined out, shoes still in hand but she had to admit.. this place was extremely beautiful..

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