Chapter 4.

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                Third POV

"Mei I'm telling you, he just.. POOF! Vanished!"

waving her hands up before they dropped down to her side again. She was telling mei what had happened earlier today

"Uh huh, so you're telling me.. a monkey that looked almost exactly like monkey king.. was in your apartment. Bleeding out and when you fixed him up. He just.. vanished when you went to give him painkillers..?" Mei asked, raising an eyebrow at odd

"Yes!!" Odd yelled, raising her arms before letting them drop to her side and sighing, falling into the couch.

Everything was just so bizarre, what was she suppose to do about this..?

Mei clapped her hands "Why don't we go to Mk! I'm sure him or monkey king knows something about this!" Mei suggested but odd shrugged

"What if they don't know..? What than..?" Odd asked "than we look for this mysterious monkey ourselves!" Mei smiled

"that's an awful idea, Mei I'm telling you, he should've died from how much blood he lost! He was impaled!! And knowing he somehow was able to survive before he got to my apartment really says something!" Odd said

"I'm sure we'll be fine! Me and Mk went against the demon bull king!" Mei said, a huge smile on her face.

Odd stared and sighed "Well I guess.. we could look around but I doubt we'll find something"


"Oh wow, we found something."

Mei and her were now following a old but seemingly fresh blood track that seemed to have been from yesterday.

Mei laughed slightly

"I told you!"

it led straight to odds apartment complex "Why here of all places though..?" Mei asked "He did mumble something about it being empty" Odd said, staring up at her fire escape window.

"He must have went there a few times than before you moved in" Mei said, putting a hand on her chin and hummed slightly.

"Welp! I guess we somewhat solved it! Let's go get some noodles, maybe Mk will join us to the arcade!" Mei smiled, gently punching odds shoulder and starting to walk away.

Odd had a bad feeling about this, she couldn't shake it off or say she was being to paranoid.

He knew where she lived now and if she ever does something bad to him, he can just.. just kill her in her sleep!!

The thought of that made shivers go up her spine. How was she supposed to process This information..?

Maybe she is being a bit to paranoid, maybe she will never see him again! The chances of that are low but.. still not impossible to run into him again.

Odd shook her head as mei called out to her


Odd turned around to face mei "You coming..?" Mei asked, waiting at the end of the alley with her hands on her hips, a soft smile on her face.

Odd nodded and quickly went after Mei but.. she couldn't shake the feeling that she felt watched as she did so.


Somehow Odd was dragged off to flower fruit mountain by Mk, currently though he was fighting with monkey king while they focused on floating near them and to study monkey king and Mk.

It was draining, most definitely and having to try and focus on studying Mk and monkey kid while also focusing on staying in the air was challenging, especially since focusing on two different things was never their strong suit.

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