Chapter One

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I roll my suitcase, feeling uneasy as the rest of the class surround me. I feel like a fly trapped in a web, with pairs of eyes staring at me. My body shakes, from the thought. My hair is covering my face, so it's easier to fit in and become unnoticed. My shoulder croaks, my eyes beam up seeing the frog sitting perfectly. The little rascal leaps, my hand racing to grab it.

"Hey!" I successfully clasp the little toad, feeling relieved until someone's blue eyes meet my own. "Oh—"

"What're you doing with a chocolate frog?" He staggers from the sudden scare.

"I got it and didn't want to eat it cause it's living—" The girl beside him let's out a laugh.

"You think it's living?" She smirks. "It's a spell, it's fake."

"What?" I say astonished.

"I'm surprised it lasted that long honestly." The ginger haired boy adds.

"Spell—what spell—?" I look as the frog is stiff, not moving, like it's entire body turned into a rock. "How is that..?"

"Are you new here?" The girl chirps, I nod turning the frog around, examining it. "That makes sense. I'm Hermione Granger."

"I'm..." my eyes glare at the frozen frog. "I'm Y/N Garnet." I snap.

"I'm Ron, Ron Weasley." He nods as I meet with his blue eyes again.

"I'm Harry." My head goes forward waiting for the rest of his name. "Harry Potter."

"It's nice to meet you all, as you can tell I'm kinda lost." My throat awkwardly chuckles trying to ease my mind. I turn my head forward, bowing down with embarrassment, as the cold frog slowly melts in my hand.

"Don't worry, I would be too if this is how I entered." Hermione comforts me but quickly walks ahead, the two others follow behind. As the crowd catches up I toss the melted frog away, wiping my hands on some tissue.

Two staff take my belongings, I panic looking at them walk away quickly. Another calmly rushes me outside two huge doors, I stand and continue to analyze the architecture. My body jumps hearing the loud freak of the doors behind me. My eyes look up seeing the candles—floating??

I slowly walk in staring at the ceiling, captured by the beautiful sight.

"Our new student Y/N Garnet, please give her a warm welcome." The man at the podium announces, as I look around at the four long tables. Claps fill my ears as I stand beside the man. "Shall we discover her house now?"

"My house..? Don't you have that information...?" He looks down upon me confused. "Academy's are supposed to have my address—" laughs are stifled in the crowds.

"No no, your wizard house." Confused I nod, as a chair is set down, he guides me to sit as a big hat is placed on my head. "The sorting hat will start."

"Start what?" I jump hearing the deep voice come from on top of me.

"Hmm a muggle born girl, new to our world. Astonished by what you see?" My body shrugs as my eyes look up.

"I guess, I've been told prior what I was getting into so—" the voice blatantly cuts me off.

"Prepared, Confident, and Loyal.....interesting." My body shuffled into my seat, as he continues on. "Honestly you have a mixture of all four houses in your future, I can tell you're a special one to come by."

"Houses...? There's four?!" He laughs out loud, making me watch hundred eyes on me.

"Gryffindor, HufflePuff, Slytherin, and Ravenclaw are the four you see. Although I am unable to know where you fit, so peculiar." Murmurs flow through, as it's the professors are the ones talking behind me. "You're heart is made of gold, your confidence showing in your bravery to face challenges. The understanding of being cunning to those you trust—but your mind being filled with thoughts so loud it's hard to hear my own."

"Is that a bad thing...?" I shyly ask, as the hat chuckles.

"I am fond of you Y/N Garnet, and I am fond to see what your future holds for Hogwarts. Ah I know where to put you after all....." The voice shouts, filling the silence and shushing the teachers behind me.


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