seventy one

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The weeks seem to disappear right in front of me, filled with fun and hikes and ice pops, happiness and swims down by the lake and late night s'mores over the campfire. There's only one week to go until the end of camp, and as stressful as it's been, I'm honestly going to really miss it. I know Harry will, too, since he's become quite attached to many of the campers, just have I.

The girls are once again in my office as I reorganise some things, chatting about the week ahead of them. "Hana?" Tilly pipes up, and as I turn around, I see an array of impish smiles on each of their faces.


"Since there's only a week left... will you tell us about your boyfriend?" She asks, holding her breath; they haven't left me alone about the topic. Obviously, my love life is very intriguing to them. I think some people have noticed a few lingering touches and the way Harry and I look at each other, but no one seems to have properly caught on.

"Maybe. You know what, you'll probably find out at the end-of-camp party, actually. He'll be there," I decide to appease them slightly.


"Yes, now, I have some work to do. I'll see you girls later," I announce, indicating for them to drag themselves unwillingly out of my office and spend some time outside, instead.

I finish up with my work and head outside myself just as the clock strikes five in the evening. The sun is still bright overhead and most of the campers are down at the lake, it seems, enjoying the nice weather. I wander up the main house as my stomach grumbles, since I've barely eaten all day.

As I enter the kitchen, I find Harry rummaging through cupboards. "Hey, baby. What's up?"

He lifts his head to look at me, smiling warmly. "I'm starving. You want something to eat?"

"Isn't dinner soon?"

He shrugs playfully, "yeah, in like an hour. I can't wait that long."

I laugh softly, "I'm sure you can't." I step closer to him, looping my arms around his neck and planting a kiss on his plush lips. "I'll take a quick snack."

"Good, I was just gonna make a sandwich. You alright with that?"

"Sounds good." I rise up to my tiptoes to kiss him again; recently, I've been in a very affectionate mood. It's not necessarily just sex I've been craving, just small, intimate things like cuddles and endless kisses and holding his hand while we watch a movie.

"Alright, go sit down," he replies, a smug, attractive smile covering his face as I try to kiss him once more. He dodges it with a mischievous glint in his eyes, wrapping one arm around my waist and dipping down to whisper into my ear, "go sit down, pretty Cherry. I'll be in in a second."

For once, I listen to him and lay out across the sofa, resting my hands on my stomach. It feels as though I'm already so big, I can't possibly grow anymore in the next two months. I allow my eyes to flutter closed, tired from the day out in the sun and the past few weeks of late nights.

My moment of silence is broken by a small bark, and then two clumsy paws land on my leg. I sit up with a grin, patting my knees to invite Cookie to jump up on the couch; Harry hates it when I let her on the furniture, but she's just too cute to turn away. She settles down into my lap, curling up and nuzzling my hand with her nose.

camp cherry three | hsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang