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Tae's pov

Time and I started dating  five years years ago. Started as friends then ended up becoming lovers. It was sweet and romantic at the very first start of our relationship. At the very beginning of our love story, Time was a great lover to me. He'll never forget to say ' I love you' before we go to bed. It was just us two young lovebirds living in our own world. Doesn't have any care about the other. Why would I when the one I love was together with me? We have our backs. Together we did everything that lovers do. We vowed to grow old together never leaving each other in this life and the life after this. He was everything to me. 

Who would have thought that this love will be the death of me? He is a player, a big flirt, I knew it even before we started dating but I choose to be with him because I love him too much to let go.

In these five years Time had never been a loyal lover to me. The first time I caught him cheating on me was six months after we officially started dating. The other person was a junior in my faculty. They met on my close friend's birthday. I was the one who introduced Time to the other person. Never would have I imagined it to be the start of Time's cheating spree. Wish I knew that it was only the start and now I'm breaking into pieces. The second time was with my cousin from abroad. Then the third was some celebrity I don't remember the name of. And then came the fourth, fifth, sixth and so on. He cheated on me from time to time but I said nothing because my love was blind. 

I can feel the distance every time he hooked up with someone. Was I too indulging? Was I too forgiving? I don't know. I'm confused. I can't decide. I can't think about a single thing. I pretended to not care,try my best to be the same arrogant rich kid. But damn it hurts so much every time he takes advantage of my love for him. He knows I won't be able to leave him because my love for him has reached to the point of no return.There's nothing I can do when it comes to him.

Sometimes people fall for the wrong people and there's nothing you could do about it. You don't have the ability to control your emotions. Love is blind. But I was more blind.

"Tae, you know it's you that I truly love. I wanted to make you jealous. I want you to only love me and be jealous of me being with others. I love you very much and the person I  want to spend my whole life with is you and nobody else." he would say everytime I confronted him. Then he would make love to me cause he knows I'll always give in to him. I'll always forgive him, that was what I thought too. I just turned a blind eye on all the shit he does. He doesn't know that I'm hurt. He doesn't know the pain he causes me everytime he makes love to others. It's like a knife stabbing my heart. I wouldn't tell him. He wouldn't know.  

I knew Time was cheating with Tem behind my back. I thought it'd be over soon like the rest of the people he used to hook up with. Turns out that it was only just my imagination. They've been together for months now and it's the first time he had such a long relationship with someone other than me. Before, Time never cheated on me with the same person twice. They were all one timed flings and nothing more. But this time, it's different. I could feel the way he looked at me with traces of alienation and the love in his eyes starting to fade.

We used to be inseparable. Thought I was irreplaceable in his heart but it was only my wishful thinking. 

Tem, Porsche's friend, knew about my relationship with Time but still chose to have an affair with him. I don't blame him though.Nevertheless, it was  my negligence, my blind love and my soft heart that were at fault. Should've known better from the very first moment when Time first cheated on me. I shouldn't have forgiven him everytime he left me to spend time with his other sex buddies.

For days after he got together with Tem, he would always be late on our dates. There were many nights when I had to sleep alone and he wouldn't even call me. 

Those mornings when I woke up alone, I would cry and cry but there's nobody to wipe out my tears. In the evenings I would go hang out with Kinn, Porsche and the others at the bar but it was still not enough to mend my broken heart.  There were times when I see Tem coming along with Porsche and the other friend called Jom. He would always have a guilty look in his face every time he sees me. Sometimes Time will also go out with me to meet Kinn and the others but he would never missed his chance to flirt with Tem. I just turned my eyes away and let Time do whatever he wants. 

Until that one day............Until that day when I couldn't carry the weight of my heavy heart.

Time and Tem. I couldn't believe my eyes. How could they? Having sex at the same apartment he gifted to me on my birthday. This was the time he brought a lover with him to our apartment. Why? To have sex. To fuck other man right infront of my eyes. What am I to him? A dog? who is loyal and will always follow after its master. Why is he taking me for granted? Like I'm some kind of cheap whore who will always fight for his affection?

I want to be strong. I want to be able to move on without Time. But my feelings have grown deeper day by day , it is hard to make it disappear. The heart that was broken by him would never heal, I know, but I have decided to leave him. Leave all the memories behind and let that bitch be with whoever he wants to. I wanted Time all to myself, wanted him to only have eyes on me but that's not something I'll ever achieve. 

Pete, how did he make that psychopath, Vegas fall head over heels in love with him?

I have a feeling of admiration whenever I see Pete ordering Vegas around.

Unfortunately, Time is no Vegas, he's someone who doesn't know how to cherish someone who loves him. Unlike Vegas who had a fucked up relationship with his father, Time is a second generation spoiled brat. There's no way he'll change even if he changed there's no way I'll go back to him. 

We broke up after I saw him and Tem having sex on our apartment that day. It's over now. He ran after me calling out my name but I didn't stop. I walked away as fast as I could. Turning a deaf ear to his hoarse voice yelling out my name, trying to make me stop, pleading me to forgive him. It was a rainy night. The place we had our first kiss became the place I left his memories behind. It's all over now . Maybe someday I'll get over him. Maybe someday I'll forget that we have something beautiful together. Maybe someday I'll no longer love him. Maybe someday he'll not be the only one I always think of. Maybe someday he'll be just somebody that I used to know.

               The End.

[Was it good? I don't really understand the characters 'TaeTimeTem' that  much. Their story is also not very detailed in the novel. I wrote it from my imagination and took inspiration from the love triangle in Taylor Swift's album called "Folklore".

Do you all want me to write one shots from Time and Tem's pov? Cause I'm planning to write one each........

Next chapter is ArmPol smut one shot🤭..........]

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