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OLIVIA LAYS ON HER BED, the quilt brought up too her chin, her favourite teddy bear held tightly in her arms. Droplets of left over rain from the night before slowly fall down the window, just like the tears that fall down her face, soaking her pillow. She stares into space, thinking of the best times she always had with Will.
Steve is sat at the foot of her bed, talking with the receptions at his and Olivia's school telling them they won't be in today. The phone line goes silent as Steve places it down and then climbs up to sit at her side, "Do you want something to eat?" Olivia barely shakes her head. "Well, I also wanted to say, I'm sorry for yesterday. I shouldn't of broken Johnathon's camera."
"I'm sorry, I shouldn't of lashed out." She whispers, "You didn't know because I didn't tell you. I don't know what I would do without you Stevie." Olivia's bloodshot eyes slowly trail over to him and she gives a small smile, but it feels so wrong, smiling whilst Will isn't here, whilst Will is dead. He didn't die peacefully, he suffered, he drowned and Olivia didn't know. "You gave your life up for me, thank you for that."
"Your my life Livvy, Carol and Tommy H are just my friends and last night I was talking to them about what they say too you and what they call you, if they do it again, you tell me and I will kick their asses, understand?" Steve chuckles slightly, Olivia nods. "Now, how about some breakfast, I'll even let you have ice cream, eggo's, m&m's and maple syrup, a triple decker mega waffle. Yeah? Then we can watch some movies, have a me and you day, like old times. Liv and Steve against the world, always."
"I like Nancy, she's good for you." Olivia looks at him, "Not like the other girls you go out with, she's nice. I've known her for a while, she actually cares for other people."
"When you get a boyfriend, I have too meet him before anything happens. I've prepared a questionnaire and everything, since Dad is not here, I'm taking that role on making sure that the boy is worth your time, but really, no boy is worth your time." Steve smiles softly, taking her hand into his.
"Except you of course." Olivia chuckles.
"Except me, I'm worth everyone's time." Steve laughs, beaming down at her and she smiles brightly back. "Come on, how about that triple decker mega waffle?" Olivia nods, "Get some comfy clothes on and be down in a minute, alright." She smiles and nods as he gets up and walks out, she sighs, before climbing out of bed and going over to her wardrobe, pulling it open and searching for some comfy clothes.
Before she can even begin to think about changing out of her clothes, her radio begins to crackle and then Mike's voice comes through it, "Liv, are you there, over." She doesn't answer, continuing to search threw the baskets of clothes that she can't be bothered to hang up. "Liv, I know your there, come on, it's about Will, over."