xxi. the secret

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021 ━ the secret

ACT FOUR021 ━ the secret

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OLIVIA SITS IN KEITH'S STORE, she sits on the counter reading a book, leaning against the cash register, headphones covering her ears. The doors swing open and Dustin and Max, Olivia pulls her head phones off turning too them frowning, she pushes herself off the counter and walks towards them. "Hello, how can I help you today?" Max chuckles at her as Dustin rolls his eyes.

"How many phones do you have?" The Henderson boy asks.

"2 but if you count Keith's in the back of the store, 3." Olivia grins, Dustin nods, waving her back as he pushes his bag over the counter and then pushes himself over, kicking over Olivia and Robin's new movie marathon stack. "What the hell man!" She shouts, as Dustin flicks the computer on and begins to type away.

"Hey, get off of that." Steve walks towards him.

"No, I need it." Dustin shakes his head, swallowing and continuing to type, his fingers moving swiftly over the keyboard.

"What for?"

"To find Eddie's friends phone numbers --" Dustin pauses spinning around and looking at Liv who is incredibly confused on why they need Eddie's phone numbers, "Okay, okay, Liv, I need you too think really hard right now, do you know where Eddie would go if he was running away from the police."

The Harrington girl scoffs, grimacing at him. "Do I know? Do I know?" She shakes her head, crossing her arms and not answering. Dustin gives her a look, cocking an eyebrow and tilting her head. "Dustin, of course I know where he would go. But there's multiple places so it's complex, we'd have to try them all. But why?"

Max turns too look at her, "Chrissy Cunningham is dead." Olivia's eyes widen and she splutters on her words, "Look, last night, when I think it happened. The power went out and I know that my place is shit with power and it goes out all the time but I heard screaming and Chrissy was with him when he went in, I remember her distinctively. I looked out the window and Eddie was running away, he always drives like a maniac but he looked terrified, like scared out of his mind."

"Why was Chrissy with Eddie?" Steve frowns, "Chrissy the cheerleader with Eddie the freak Munson that makes zero sense." Max shrugs in response, Olivia is already leaping over the counter, taking Steve's car keys and leaping into the car, starting it up. Robin sighs, she's the one who locks up the movie station as Olivia is all ready to drive away. Max sat in the front beside her, Dustin squished between Steve and Robin.

Olivia backs out of the parking lot and speeds away, she heads for 10 different places, tries her house twice when they pass it and the second time she grabs a case of beers, a whole stack of cigarette packets and a couple bags of crisps before finally driving towards Lipton, near lover's lake, it's Eddie's dealer's house and Olivia knows that he crashes there sometimes.

𝐂𝐔𝐑𝐒𝐄𝐃 𝐒𝐎𝐔𝐋𝐒 , stranger thingsWhere stories live. Discover now