xix. way down we go

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019 ━ way down we go

ACT THREE019 ━ way down we go

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THE NIGHT IS A JOYUS occasion, with street parties and fireworks going off echoing around Hawkins, people laugh and enjoy their nights with beer, punch and cigarettes. Dancing about to the music that booms from speakers in people's parties, the Fourth of July is the day that the whole town comes together to celebrate their independence as a country. 

However, ten kids and four just turned adults sit in the barren Starcourt mall, in a huddle in the food court of the ground level. Two girls, only beknown by the other 12 people that they are so incredibly powerful, they lay on the floor screaming in pain and coughing up blood. The group is split into two, One of the Wheelers running between the two girls trying to work out what's going on

Eleven sobs in pain as Olivia's body convulses, shaking about and blood spluttering out of her mouth. Nancy had her rolled onto her side so she doesn't choke but she still shakes, heavily. Johnathon can see the thing moving around in Eleven's body, when she screams in pain Olivia's body shakes a little harder. He has an idea. 

The oldest Byers gets up and runs into the foodcourt, leaping over the counter and grabbing a wooden spoon, a knife and rubber gloves. He heats up the knife as quickly as he can before leaping back over the counter and sprinting towards the two girls. Mike has El propped up against his body as she cries in pain. 

"Okay, El, this is gonna hurt a lot but I need you too stay really still okay?" Johnathon tries to speak as calmly as he can trying to keep the young girl calm but she's not calm, her eyes on the wound and then flicking to Olivia who's back arches her lips beginning to go blue, blood splattered across her face and the floor. 

Johnathon passes the wooden spoon too El to bite down on and then turns to Steve, "If my theory is right, you need to hold her down." Steve nods, he, Max and Will hold her in place the best she can, tears streaming down her cheeks as she coughs and gasps for air. Eleven screams out in pain as Johnathon slides the knife into her skin, blood bubbles and puss drips from the wound. 

Olivia screams out in pain, a plant pot beside them falling over. Steve closes his eyes too stop the tears in his eyes from falling, she's obviously in pain, so much pain and he can't do anything about it. "Stop! Stop! Stop it!" Eleven sobs as Johnathon has his fingers in her wound, feeling around for the thing inside of her. Olivia falls down, having a moment of peace, her eyes trailing around the ceiling. "I can do it." 

The short haired girl manages to sit herself up with Mike and Lucas's help. She holds her hand over the wound, she wails out in pain as something is brought to the surface. Olivia rolls onto her front, coughing up blood again. Eleven screams out in pain, Olivia's fist clench tightly and a display window behind them that Olivia missed earlier shatters, other windows around the starcourt mall shattering as well as the thing in El's leg finally comes out. 

𝐂𝐔𝐑𝐒𝐄𝐃 𝐒𝐎𝐔𝐋𝐒 , stranger thingsWhere stories live. Discover now