xxv. escaping

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025 ━ escaping

ACT FOUR025 ━ escaping

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OLIVIA IS ON HER KNEES, blood dripping from her nose and ears. She sits there, gasping in air as she looks at the destruction she creates. Caverns in the floor have been created, trees have been knocked over and vines pushed back. The Harrington girl looks down at her hands, they are covered in dirt and blood, blood dripping off her fingers, in between them. 

Eddie comes up slowly behind her, placing a hand on her shoulder. Olivia turns to look at him, her bottom lip quivering, Eddie has never seen Olivia like this. Hurt, angry, upset. Blood drips from her arm where the bat had scraped the skin away, from her head where the skin had split above her eyebrow and across her nose. Dirt and blood in splotches. 

Eddie gives her a soft smile, holding his hand out for her too take. She sighs, taking it and he pulls her too her feet. She turns too the others. "Sorry." The others smile softly, Steve walks forward and places a hand on her bicep. 

"Don't be sorry, you just had a breakdown. It's all okay." The brother pulls his sister in for a side hug. It lasts for a few seconds before Olivia turns too the gate. The others follow her gaze, grabbing onto their weapons again as screeching echoes along the barren landscape, at least 10 bats fly their way. The group gather together getting ready to fight, Olivia up front everyone basically crouching down behind her.

"Always me up front." She sighs, shaking her head. The bats fly past them, the group spinning with them as the screeching creatures land around the gate, squealing at the five. "It's okay, there's like 10, I can take them." Olivia hypes herself up, jumping up and down on the spot and cracking her joints. However, a bigger swarm of the monsters fly their way, at least 50. "Okay, changed me mind, we're running." 

The Harrington girl takes off towards and exit along the tree line, the others follow, struggling a little too keep up with her long leg strides and fast pace. 


OLIVIA CROUCHES DOWN IN FRONT of Eddie, his hand wrapped around her shoulders as they hide under skull rock waiting for the bats too fly over head. Heavy breathing is the only thing that exits their lips and they attempt to try and quieten it but it's not much us as they have just run for 15 minutes at full pace. Olivia was way ahead of the group, leading them too skull rock, leaping over the vines and ducking under different things. 

𝐂𝐔𝐑𝐒𝐄𝐃 𝐒𝐎𝐔𝐋𝐒 , stranger thingsWhere stories live. Discover now