Part 1

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I've saved the summer

and I give it all to you to hold on winter morning when the snow is new.

I've saved some sunlight if you should ever need a place away from darkness

where your mind can feed

- Rod McKuen (lonesome cities)

I sat at the old Minnie's Diner and it was just like I had gone back in time. Like nothing had changed. The same pictures that had been put up since the place opened up were still there. The same juke box and napkin dispensers. But the place was lonely. There were four other people there and a couple of workers. The waiter took me out of my trance and asked, "Hello, welcome to Minnie's, what can I get you?", "Just a coffee," I responded. I was sleep deprived, tired and had nothing else to do but sit in the lonesome diner. I got up and went to the jukebox. I put on one of our favorite songs, 'Everybody loves somebody'. Every time we went to Minnie's Will would put on that song it was his favorite. The music filled the awkward silence that was suffocating the diner, so much so, you could hear a pin drop. I walked back to my seat and the memories came flooding back.

I could picture him sitting in front of me drinking his large chocolate shake and singing along to the song. Both of us were laughing and smiling then suddenly he spoke to me

"Miss. Miss. Miss, your coffee."

I had awakened from the trance yet again. "Are you alright Miss?" "Yes, thank you." The waiter set down the cream and sugar but I would not use them. I wanted my coffee black just how I see life, a dark dream with no meaning to it. Just black unsweetened coffee, without the sweetness that makes it taste good. A kind of coffee you enjoy on a cold winter morning cuddled up with someone you love. Or like the kind of enjoyment that a kid gets when opening their Christmas presents. All of those small little feelings are like the sugar in coffee but to life. Once you have no happy little moments all you have is black coffee. I'd sip my coffee slowly and burn my tongue. Oww. how ironic it's as if life was pointing to the fact that even if my life was a dark dream, it could get worse. But that was just my luck, at least until now...

The song finished playing and I left. I walked out and made my way to the bakery. As I walked the streets of Milwaukee it seemed as if everything had been left untouched since that year. Except again there were less people now. Because of the incident many people left, it was deemed unsafe for families to live here. So, most families moved, especially my family. As I came upon the bakery it looked more lonesome than it used to be. I walked in and got two donuts, a chocolate sprinkled one and a strawberry sprinkled one. Although the place had changed owners, I quite liked the new lady. I walked out and made my way to the cemetery which strangely was very close to the bakery since it was on the church grounds. Of course, I had to walk since I had no car. I had flown to Milwaukee and from the airport I took a taxi. But the town was so small that I had no need for any type of vehicle it added to the experience I had come to this town for. I arrived at the big church and made my way to the graveyard in the back. I stood upon a tombstone that read...

"William Evan Smith  

Loving brother and son 

Aug. 7, 1980 - Dec. 16, 1992"

"Hey Will... it's me, Amelia." I felt a bit silly talking to a grave but I felt it helped me feel like he was still here. "I hope you're happy now with mom..." "and dad." I wish I could be there with you" I began to cry. "I'm just so alone now. Will, you don't know how much I miss you and how much I wish things were like they used to be." I cried and hugged the tombstone pretending I was hugging him, my little brother. I began to calm down a little and took out the chocolate covered donut I had bought at the bakery. "I brought you a donut. I know it's silly, but I brought you your favorite chocolate sprinkled". I placed the donut on the tombstone and took out the strawberry one for me "cheers". I bumped the donut with the other and took a bite out of it. "Mmm and it still tastes delicious." "How's yours?" I laughed at myself as soon as I asked but I wish he could respond. It began getting late and I had to find a place to stay for the night or maybe I would not sleep at all. As soon as I had that thought, I noticed that there was someone there too. A teenage boy who had brought flowers for someone. After a while of staring at him he finally glanced over at me. It made for an awkward moment but I didn't think too much of it. He then walked up to me and asked, "can I help you miss?" after a moment of shock and silence I responded "No sorry I just wasn't expecting to see anyone here at this hour." "Me either". There was a long pause. "Why where you talking to yourself?" he asked. I felt embarrassed that he had noticed me talking, I guess he was close enough to hear me. "I was actually talking to my... brother..." I then looked at the tombstone as if pointing to it with my eyes. "Oh, I'm so sorry.... I'm here for my mom she died a couple years ago...". I felt a bit more comfortable knowing that I had met someone who shared my pain, so I did. "Oh, I'm so sorry to hear about that, mom also passed just a few months ago... right after my dad...." there was a long pause, I guess he was just wondering how to react to my young tragic life. He finally said. "Wow I'm so sorry I know how hard it is to lose a parent but I couldn't imagine losing both, although with my dad it's almost like I have." "Do you have any other family?" he asked before I could respond to him previous statement. "No now it's just me myself and I." "Well would you guys like to go grab a coffee at Minnie's?" I chuckled and nodded. "By the way I didn't catch your name." he said. "It's Amelia." "Well nice to meet you Amelia I'm James." 

He started walking and I followed him. He led to a motorcycle parked in the church parking lot. I was a bit surprised to say the least but also impressed. You can wear this he said, holding the helmet. He pushed my hair back and put it on my head. "Hop on" he said as he was sat on the bike. I hopped in the back and made sure to tuck my skirt under me so it wouldn't fly up. "Hold on" he said and I held on to him and as the speed increased, I would hold him tighter. I honestly felt great to be able to be so close to someone and hold them as tight as you can. For a moment I pretended it was Will and that I was hugging him so tightly so he wouldn't leave again. Suddenly we had arrived at the diner. Once we had entered, we sat in a booth each sitting across from the other. He ordered a coffee and I a hot tea since I had already had my share of coffee for the day. And so, we began to talk. "So where did you come from any ways? I don't think I had seen you around before." he asked. I told him that I had flown in from Florida to see my brother. He asked if I had any family in town to which I replied no then he proceeded to ask "So where are you staying?" "Well, I haven't found a place yet, I just got here a few hours ago, but I was thinking of getting a room at an old motel near here." I responded. "The lone star motel?" "Yes, I think so although I don't know how far from here it is." "there's no way you're staying there that place is full of creeps and hookers that's no place for a girl like you." I blushed and looked to down to take sip of my hot tea. He then said "you can stay at my place." "Oh, I wouldn't want to impose and I've only just met you."  "Oh no you wouldn't be imposing I think you're safer staying with me than at some sketchy motel....and I'm pretty sure you can trust me.... I mean we've already opened up about a lot of our personal lives." "Well what about your dad I wouldn't want him to get the wrong idea-" he interrupted. "Don't worry my dad won't be home he'll probably be getting drunk at the bar then end up blacking out....." "Alright I guess I would feel more comfortable staying at your place." "Then it's settled" he said. "So why is your brother buried here?" he interrogated. I was beginning to think he felt too comfortable with me, asking me questions like that. I still responded, "Well I actually used to live here, my family and I moved after the Incident with Will." "Can I ask.... what happened to him?" I honestly didn't know if I wanted to tell him, but I was also a bit surprised at the fact he had not heard of the situation that had happened in this town a few years ago. "I'm sorry but I don't think I'm ready to tell the story and relive that again." "No, it's ok I completely understand, although most of the town knows about my mom's passing so I don't get the question asked a lot." "There are less people in this town then there used to huh?" I said changing the subject. "Yeah, I mean I moved here a few years ago but the population's always been small." We continued a bit more of small talk until we finished our drinks. I yawned then he yawned and said "We should probably go and get some rest you're probably still tired from the flight." "Yeah, I am kind of tired." I made a small yawn and he looked at me with an endearing smile. We exited the diner and got on the motorcycle. He sped away quickly and I held on tightly he went faster and I held on tighter. Something told me he had probably done it on purpose to get me to hug him tighter, and to be honest I did not mind. On our way to his place, we passed by the small hospital and the memories came flooding back."

*flashback* "Will, its ok you'll get through this ok and soon We'll be at Minnie's stuffing ourselves with pancakes and shakes and dancing to our favorite song ok I promise."

We arrive at an apartment complex, He unlocked the door and opened it for me. I walked in to see a humble little apartment which reeked of beer and liquor. There were empty beer bottles on the floor what I can only assume are of his father. "I'm sorry for the mess my dad never picks up after himself, I have to do it." He said in an annoyed fashion. I noticed there was a small love seat set in front of the TV. It was stained and there was a mess of chips and beer bottles, I had also noticed a few cigarette butts in an ash tray. "So, your dad's a smoker and an alcoholic?" I said semi sarcastically. "Yeah, if you couldn't already tell, I mean it's just a matter of time before he dies too." "Yeah, well that wouldn't be so bad for you." He laughed. "Well, my dad isn't here most of the time so yeah I'm used to it." He then led me to what would be the room I'm sleeping in. "this is my room but you can have it for tonight." "Are you sure?" "Yes, of course I'll just be sleeping in my dad's room I'm pretty sure he won't be coming home tonight." I set my bag on the bed and started to look for my pajamas as James was cleaning up his room. "sht." I said "What's wrong?" he asked. "I forgot to pack pajamas." "Well, you can borrow some of my clothes." "Really?" "Sure, here maybe it'll fit you a little big but it should work." He handed me a big T shirt and a pair of sweat pants. "Well, the bathroom is down the hall to the left and I'll be in the room at the end of the hallway call me if you need anything" "Goodnight." he said in a charmful tone. "Goodnight and thanks." I spoke. He left and I put on the clothes, they did fit me a bit big, so I decided to only sleep in the shirt which was oversized. I got ready for bed and laid down and drifted off to sleep."

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