Part 4

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 The sheriff stepped out of the car. He seem every cop in the movies with a built body, moustache and sunglasses except he was actually attractive. 

He seemed to be in his early thirties which seemed kinda young for a sheriff. We both quickly got up and faced the man. "Is there a problem officer?" James asked. There was a small pause before his response. "What are you kids doing out here?" He asked in a slight country accent. 

"We came here to watch a movie." 

 "Well, isn't that what the movie theater is for?" He said in an interrogating tone. 

"Yes but-" 

"then why are you two by yourselves?" there was a pause. 

"Were you thinking of getting up to more than just watching a movie?" He grinned. "You know there's a no trespassing sign at the entrance." he said as he walked closer to us.

 "Well, I wasn't aware, I've been here before but nobody had said anything." 

"you've been here multiple times before?" He asked James. 

"Maybe." James said timidly. 

His gaze then came upon me. "and you little lady what are you doing out here with this deviant?" 

I stayed quiet. 

He walked towards me and came up behind me and bent down to whisper in my ear, "you know you are way too pretty for him darling." I know I should I felt scared but for a moment it felt thrilling to know he thought I was pretty even if he was a pervy. I stood still almost frozen I guess I was pretending to be afraid because I didn't want any consequences to come along with not cooperating. The officer went around me and stood directly in front of me He put his finger under my chin and raised my face up. I don't know why James wasn't doing anything maybe he was afraid of the consequences himself. 

 "I don't think I'd ever seen you around." 

 "I'm new in town." I spoke. 

"Well, it's great you'll sure be a sight for all the sore eyes around here." he said laughing.

 "what's your name darling?"


"Amelia, well it was nice to meet you." he winked. 

"And you boy what's your name?" 


"James what?" 

"James Ratlin." 

"Your Santiago's boy?" 

"Yes." He reached to the side of his belt to grab some handcuffs.

 "I'm sorry James but I am gonna have to arrest you for trespassing." 


"You confessed to having trespassed multiple times before and for involving other people in your deviances." He put the handcuffs around his wrists I could tell James wanted to resist but he didn't want to get in anymore trouble. "I'm gonna have to take you down to the station and then we'll see what happens to you." He walked him to the car with his hands on his back and roughly stuffed him in the car. 

He made his way toward me "Do you need a ride Amelia?" The mention of my name on his lips made my stomach have butterflies I couldn't believe I had fell into a girly crush trap. "Yes." "c'mon, you can sit in the front with me." he winked.

 I sat in the car and turned around to look at James. He looks at me worried but there isn't much to say with the officer sitting there. "you two are awfully quiet."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2022 ⏰

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