2 nuts they're markiplying

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Hanna hanna wazs the most baffled, the most flabbergasted, the most uttery surprised shocked by who walked in the door of the esteemed establishbmemtn. She got so dizzy she nearly feell over!

Sal Q joe murr was here! They were one big mutant posse person opossum! No thanks to Draoc Malfoy, he's a ferret, ferrets aren't alklowed in the gym. What were they doing there tho?? They have no reason to be getting wswole they're already perefct! God among men. Space by Marka player was plaing as they walked in, making them seem that much cooler(oth that's so cool!!! so cool!!!!! they can't handle the renderiung)

Hanna hanna tried to comprehend this en her mind. But they all separated, smiling at people. Rivers cuomo blooshed as he caughed the wink of Q Brian Quinnian, droppoing his mini barbell to flores. Andrew had already returned, healed completely from G's concussion, and he glared at the stocky mean looking indimidating dimmadome man before throwing a suggestive smile at El Joe Gato the G. They were always fffff meant for each pther!

The impactical jokers were here to cqause impactical jokes, no doubt! Hanna gawked as they saw a big black sakcy sack hanging from Sal volcano's lijmp shoulder. They had brougjt a weapon to enact their practical actical jokes...

To everybody's jealous surprise in the gym, they walked up to Hanna Hanna. She was frigjhtened for her life, even the Queen had turned around to look, much to her disbelief--she was her arch nemesister!

MArkiplier and John Cena walked through the door of the gym arm in arm but no one paid them much notice as Murr bengan to open the menacing foreboding sack of mysteries...

uncle hanna has a very bad dreamWhere stories live. Discover now