Chapter Twenty One

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And overweleming feeling takes over Sonic's body,he sits near the bed Sliver is laying in.As The blue hedgehog listens to Mephiles talking to the doctor.Shadow is sitting next to his lover,with his arm around him for comfort.(Mephiles: So what's wrong with him..I need to know if this is serious..)The doctor was a yellow vamp fox that looked at Mephiles with some concern.(????: Well your highness..he's been poisoned..)Everyone in the room went silent,as Sonic's worry for his brother got worse.(Sonic: My brother isn't going to die is he..?!)He asked,with his voice full of fear.(????: It's possible..if he was a vampire it wouldn't be long before the poison wears off..but hes a mortal..)(Mephiles: Can't you just cure him..?!)Mephiles asked with worry,as his parents see their oldest son..for the first time seem afraid and worried.(????: No I can''s been hard to find the things I need for something like this..your only option now is to turn him)The Prince pauses..knowing full well that he wants Sliver to turn but..not like this.He wanted Sliver's permission but now..(Shadow: Sonic..please calm down..your brother will be ok..)Sonic starts crying again uncontrollably.(Sonic: He's..dying Shad..)The Prince grabs his lover into a Sonic lays his face in Shadows chest crying.Shadow rubs his back.(Shadow: What do you think Mephiles..?)Shadow asked,as Mephiles stands next to Sliver silently..he rubs the gray hedgehog's cheek.As he watchs Sliver unconscious,he could tell his lover is  struggling to breath..Mephiles couldn't take this pain.As much as he wanted Sliver to choose to be a vampire on his own.He knows Sliver will die if he stays a mortal..the anger he's feeling at this moment,knowing someone poisoned the innocent mortal..his lover..he's gonna kill them.(Mephiles: Thank you for your help Tails..)Tails the doctor bows,as he leaves the family to have some time alone.(Shadow: Sonic..Sliver will be ok I promise you..)Shadow said to the blue hedgehog,as Sonic tighten his grip.(Sonic: Why would someone do this to my brother..)Tears fell from his eyes as Shadow holds him more.(Aleena: Mephiles..sweetie..)He stayed silent,looking at Sliver who was unconscious and in pain..watching him struggling to breath breaks his heart.(Black: Let's leave them for a moment Aleena..)Black said putting his hand on her shoulder.She nods,but before she leaves the room with Black,she goes up to Mephiles and hugs him.The Prince's Parents leave as Sonic looks at his brother in tears.(Sonic: I..I don't want my brother to die..)(Mephiles: He's not going to..)Mephiles said still looking at Sliver.Shadow looked at his brother and he could tell, Mephiles is feeling huge amounts of anger right now.(Mephiles: Please leave the room for awhile..I promise he will be alright Sonic..)Sonic hesitates,but Shadow was able to get him some what calm enough to leave the room.The two sat in their room,As Shadow held onto Sonic for hours,as the blue hedgehog sat in his arms.Sonic cried so much that he was exhausted..but he was also having a hard time falling asleep.He knows Sliver will be ok,but the thought that his brother was poisoned,means someone tried to kill him.(Shadow: My love you should sleep..)The Prince said in a calm but sad tone,Shadow felt sad for his lover,for his brother..for Sliver.Deep down,he felt like something bad was going to happen,he wanted to believe that the ball would go well.In a way it did but..who tried to kill Sliver?It had to be one of the servants in the castle,their the ones who made the could be more then one.either way Shadow plans to look into it.Sonic stayed he just sits on  Shadows lap,in his arms.(Sonic: I want to but I cant..I can't stop thinking about Sliver..)He said with a sad tone,Shadow wipes Sonic's face and stares into his eyes.(Shadow: I'm gonna find out who did this my love..)the blue hedgehog stared back at him,and grabbed his hand.(Sonic: We'll do it together Shad..I can't sleep anyway..)

Shadow gathered up all the servants,as him,his father royal guards,and Mephiles stood in the throne room.Sonic sits in a chair next to he holds his hand,looking at him.(Sonic: I'm sorry brother..I'm sorry this happened to you..)He said with guilt in his voice,as he rubbed Sliver's hand softly.The blue hedgehog remember's Mephiles telling him,that Sliver will wake up in pain since..transforming into a vampire is actually really painful.He felt so bad for Sliver,he would of rather this happen to him.His brother doesn't deserve all of this..he's so innocent and kind hearted.Sonic felt a tear leave his eye,as he quickly wiped it.(Sonic: I'm so tired of crying..I'm so tired of feeling so weak..)He said under his breath as he held Sliver's hand still rubing it.(Sliver: Y-your not's eyes widened as he looked at his brother,with his eyes open..Sonic hugged Sliver as tears fell from his eyes again.(Sonic: I'm so sorry Sliver..!)the gray hedgehog flitched as pain passed through his body,he try's to ignore it.As he hugs his brother back.(Sliver: S-Sorry for what..?)(Sonic: You got poisoned..and you were going to die..I'm sorry..I couldn't protect you..!)(Sliver: D-Dont say..that it..isn't your..fault brother..)Sliver grunts as he let's go of Sonic and lays back.(Sliver: A-Am i..gonna die..?)He said still grunting trying to relax.(Sonic: N-No not Mephiles bite you..)Sliver looked at sonic as eyes widened from shock.(Sliver: W-What..?)(Sonic: You were going to die.. if he didnt..)Sonic said in a sad tune as Sliver just looks at him.He grunts more sqezzing one of his the gray hedgehog,try's to process everything that's happened.But can't stand the pain,he starts yelling out of pure pain.His whole body,felt like he was having huge cramps.Sonic try's to calm him down but it wasn't really helping.

Back with Shadow and Mephiles.Mephiles and Shadow started to read anyone's mind in the throne room.The ability to read minds was helpful sometimes,it didn't take long to find out who poisoned Sliver.Amy rose Poisoned Sliver..The two brothers we're shocked,this didn't seem to be like Amy at all.They both stared at the maid,who served under their care for years on end.How could she do wasn't like her at all.(Shadow: Rose..why would you do this..?)The Prince asked as Amy hesitates to answer.(Amy: I-I..I'm sorry..please forgive i-)She was soon interuppted,as Mephiles grabs her by the neck.(Mephiles: How could were friend..)Mephiles said coldly.He's been holding all his anger in since,Sliver went to the doctor..and he's so pissed,that he doesn't want to hear what Amy has to say.(Amy: I-I am y-your friend..p-please e-exaplain..)She said as she started to choke.(Blackdoom: Mephiles! Let her go now..!)He looks at his Father then back at the pink vamphog..he tightens his grip even more.(Shadow: Mephiles! Stop it..let her explain first!)Shadow yelled as he grabbed Amy from his brothers arm.Only for Mephiles to ignore him,he try's pushing Shadow off him.Amy starts losing breath,so she bites down on the Prince's hand..but he doesn't let go.Shadow pulls Amy away from his Mephiles looks at Shadow coldly..(Shadow: Mephiles..I understand your have every right to be but your not thinking clearly..just take a moment..)He said to his brother who looks away.(Mephiles: ...)Shadow then signs for Amy to speak,as she looks over to Mephiles.Who doesn't even want to look at her.(Amy: I didn't want to betray you..I just..I just couldn't let Fleetway and Scourge kill Sally..)She said as Mephiles,turns to look at her the room continues to be silent.(Shadow: What..?Rose what are you talking about..?)(Amy: Fleetway and Scourge made me poison Sliver..I would never do this to Sliver Mephiles..!Please forgive me..)She said with shame in her words.As Mephiles just looks at her..with slience.She felt arms wrap around her and she looked up in tears.(Mephiles: I'm sorry rose..)She hugged back.(Amy: No Im sorry your highness..)(Mephiles: Didn't I say not to call me that?)He stated as she small smiles.The hug was soon over,as Shadow and Mephiles have two people to take care of.

Sliver bites down still grunting from all the pain.Sonic hears the door to the room open,and he sees the doctor.The blue hedgehog stared,as the vampire came in the room.(Tails: I brought blood for him for when he's transformed.After the transformation he will be very hungry for blood.)He said as he put the bottle of blood on a table.(Sonic: Thank you for everything..)Sonic said as the fox looks at him.He must not hear that often,a thank you.(Tails: O-Oh I did nothing)He said akwardly as Sonic smiles.(Sonic: What do you mean?you were plenty of help)(Tails: I didn't do much though..)(Sonic: So what? You still helped)The fox laughs alittle.(Tails: Haha sure i guess..your right)They both look at Sliver who continues to grunt in pain.(Sonic: Is there anyway to make this less painful..?)The mortal asked as he looks at his brother,he felt so bad just watching Sliver like this.(Tails: No I'm afraid not..)The blue hedgehog grabs his brothers hand softly,and rubs it as he sits and waits for Sliver to calm down.(Sonic: It'll be over soon Sliver..)

Sorry for the wait it's been a busy couple of weeks for me qwq,hope you all enjoyed the chapter

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