Chapter Five

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Hey everyone,I'm glad this story is already getting love.Im also surprised you all actually like my story's cause I think I did a bad job with them but anyway,here's Chapter Five.

Sonic wanted to know somethings but was alittle at loss for words,he didn't what to ask first so he took some time to think.He looked at Shadow who looked back at him with a smile..Shadow seemed so quiet and calm as he showed Sonic a blue rose in his hand.He took the rose and put the rose on Sonic's head,Shadow couldn't understand how Sonic was so perfect in his eyes.And he knew Sonic was still at a loss so he just sat there with Sonic,giving him time to think of a question.After a little wait Sonic turned to Shadow and hoped he doesn't get offended by him asking this.

Sonic: Shadow I hope you don't mind if I ask but how old are you?

Shadow: I'm twenty thousand years old

Sonic: 2-20,000?!

Shadow: Yes,we vampire can live a longer then any mortal but we can still die

Sonic: Oh so how does that work..?

Shadow: Well we don't die from old age,but we can be killed by mortals with there own ways

Sonic: Oh I see 

Shadow: In human years I would only be twenty years I'm young for my age

Sonic: Really?!so how old can vampires get?

Shadow: It really just depends on how far they can get

Sonic: Wow that's amazing

Shadow: I guess it is

Shadow said as him and Sonic looked at the beautiful flowers and plants in front of them.Sonic was supposed of how kind Shadow as been to him,he was starting to feel safe around him.For his whole life he's known nothing but fear and worry everyday,just hoping his brother wouldn't end up killed in that horrible camp they were living in,he always cared about his brother more then anything in the world.And Shadow couldn't help but read his mind..he just wanted to be close to Sonic and for Sonic to feel the same way he did.

Shadow: You love your brother very much don't you..?

Sonic: Yes..i just worry about him sometimes

Shadow: It's normal to feel that way,I think Mephiles worries about me sometimes as well but he wouldn't even addmit that,but I also worry about him sometimes

Sonic: Do You and Mephiles get along?

Shadow: I do care for him and we do get along sometimes and then other times not so much

Sonic: It's good to know you two have a good bond even if you both fight sometimes

Shadow: I believe it's normal for brothers to fight from time to time

Sonic: Same

Sonic said as him and Shadow went silent,they both looked into their eyes not saying a word,or not even knowing what to say.But Sonic was also embarrassed to ask Shadow what he saw in him.And if he really knew as much as he said he does.

Sonic: Shadow you said you knew everything about me so..there's nothing that you don't know about me..?

Shadow: I know your kind,thoughtful,brave,generous and beautiful

Shadow said as he land his hand Sonic's resting hand on the stone banch.Sonic's face turned a shade of pink again as his heart started pounding out of control.Sonic started to question if he was starting to like Shadow..even though he didn't even know him that long something just made him feel happy just talking to the Prince.He wasn't as scary or mean as he thought he was gonna be,in stead he's just the opposite of that.But as the night got later Sonic begin to grow tired..of course he enjoyed talking with Shadow but he was starting to fall asleep as his eyes closed,and his head landed on Shadow's shoulder.Shadow's face turned a hint of pink as he looked at the now blue sleeping hedgehog.A smile grew on his face as he carefully picked Sonic up and started walking back in the halls of the castle.He took a look at Sonic as he walked and just couldn't believe how nice it felt to hold him in his arms,he was just so warm and cute.Shadow walked up the stairs as he soon made it to the top,as he walked over to the room Sonic was staying and laid Sonic down on the bed.He pulled the blanket over the blue hedgehog as he looked down at his face and gave him a kiss on the cheek.He then walked away from the bed and stepped out of the room closing the door behind him.Well isn't that sweet.Shadow heard a male hedgehog as he turned to see a yellow hedgehog with his sharp teeth and classy clothes as he smiled at Shadow.

????????: I heard you fancied a mortal but never thought it would be true~

Shadow: Fleetway shouldnt you be doing Scourge's job tonight..?

Fleetway: Don't change the subject your majusty,I was only checking up on you~

Shadow knew Fleetway well and he can read the demon vampires mind,so he knew he wasn't here to just say hi.

Shadow: I believe you didn't just come here to say hi..

Fleetway: Of course i didn't,I came here to remind you that the kingdom already thinks badly of you so..I think you shouldn't be getting close to mortals~

Shadow: Should I care..?Father is going to have Mephiles be king so there's no reason for me to care what the people think..

Fleetway: I believe the royal family will have a bad reputation because of this you want that to happen?

?????: I believe you should mind your own business 

A white female vampbat at said as she walked over to the two and looked into Fleetways eyes.

Rouge: The people will have to get use to it and since when were you worried about the people Fleetway..~?

Fleetway: Whatever..

Fleetway said as he walked away from the two down the stairs as Rouge turned to Shadow.

Rouge: Why do you let him talk to you like shouldn't just take it

Shadow: It's not worth fighting with a guy like him who thinks he's always right..

Rouge: I guess not..

Later with Silver and Mephiles

Silver: I'm so tired..

Silver yawned as him Mephiles were sitting on the bed in the room Silver is staying in.Mephiles sighed as he looked at Silver.

Mephiles: Go to sleep then..

Silver: But I don't want to..I want to talk with you some more

Mephiles: You just said your tired..

Silver: Fine but can I ask you something..?

Mephiles: No

Silver: Please..?

Mephiles was silent and tried to say no again but he looked Silvers face,and just couldn't help but say fine as he lets Silver ask his question.

Silver: How old are you Mephiles?

Mephiles: I'm twenty two thousand years old why..?

Silver:. I just wanted to know*yawns*

Silver said as he yawned and started laying down on the bed under the covers but when Mephiles tried to leave Silver grabbed the sleeve of his white shirt,as his face turned pink.Silver was scared Mephiles was gonna say no but that didn't stop him as he took a deep breath.

Silver: C-Can you please stay here with me..?

Mephiles: Why..?

Mephiles asked as he looked at Silver with confusion.

Silver: Because I feel safe around you..

Silver said shyly as he looked to floor still holding on to Mephiles.Mephiles hesitates at first but he for some reason didn't want to leave Silver..he wanted to stay to.

Mephiles: Fine..ill stay

Silver smiled as he let go of Mephiles sleeve and hugs him,Mephiles was suprised at first but ended up hugging him back and he could smell Silvers fur.Silver smelt like flowers and it was probably because he took a bath.Mephiles felt Silver's weight on him as he realized Silver fell asleep on him.Mephiles couldn't help but love the feeling of Silver being on him but he shook off the feeling and laid Silver down on the bed.He looked at Silvers sleeping face as he ran his hand acourse Silvers cheek.

Mephiles: *mind* What am I doing..?

Mephiles took his hand away and started questioning his feelings and why he just couldn't stop looking at him,Mephiles sighed with some annous and then looked at Silver again.He couldn't fall for him,he was gonna be king and couldn't have the kingdom upset with the royal family..but at the same time he couldn't help but lay next to Silver and close his eyes.

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