Chapter Twenty Two

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I try to update my stories as soon as I can,so
I'm not leaving you all for months on end like I've done before,just been busy with GED stuff TwT hope you enjoy this Chapter.

The two brothers send the guards,to look around for Scourge and Fleetway.The two Prince's look at Amy,you could tell she was holding in alot of guilt.She betrayed the royal family...the people that helped her.Mephiles feels anger,but he can come to understand his friend..She was put in a hard situation.Her friend was on the line.(Amy: I'm so sorry..I've failed my future friend,the royal family..punish me as you want..)She said,as she gets on her knees bowing down to them.(Shadow: That won't be needed Amy..we know you would never betray us..with selfish intent..)Shadow said as he looked at Amy,and reached out his hand to her.She grabs his she stood up.(Shadow: Go to Sally,Me and Mephiles have some business to take care of..)He said as he looked to his brother,Mephiles is clearly holding back anger.And he looked zoned out in his own mind..the pink vamphog starts to walking away,she hopes to see Sally unharmed.But she might not be..Amy was told not to say anything,so now that the truth is out.(Mephiles: Rose..)Amy stops as she turns to look at the Prince.(Amy: Yes..your highness..?)(Mephiles: I'm sorry..for my behaviour..)He said and then looked away from her,as he walks off.(Shadow: You know..he doesn't hate you..)Amy stayed silent for a second.(Amy: I hope that's true..)She said and then walks away.

Scourge stands in one of the towers over the castle,as he looks around the area.His ear twitch's,hearing someone behind him.He smirks as he turns to see his partner.His smirk faded when he saw her expression.(Fiona: Have you lost your mind Scourge..?!)He looks off into the kingdom..Amy must of opened her mouth and slipped everything.He looks at Fiona.(Scourge: He's nothing but a mortal,you don't care for them as much as I don't)Fiona feels all kinds of emotions right now,she never cared for mortals but this..Scourge will be killed for doing something like this.Him and Fleetway tried to kill the Prince's lover,how could Scourge do something so stupid.(Fiona: I don't care about the mortal!I care about you..Mephiles will kill you because of this..)(Scourge: Look and Fleetway weren't gonna have a mortal be one of our rulers..)(Fiona: Well guess was for nothing,the mortal is still alive)Fiona said with she looks off into the kingdom,the sound of wind is heard as the two of them..look behind them,to see Fleetway.The yellow vamphog had a tight grip on the vamp-munk,as she tried pulling her arm away.(Sally: Let go..!get your hands off me..!)She yelled as Fleetway tighted his grip,causing her to scream.He starts to loosen his grip.(Fleetway: I would stay quiet Sal..)He said coldly as she stays quiet,the vampmunk looks over to Fiona..with desperate eyes.The vampfox ignores her as she looks at Fleetway.(Fiona: Why is she here..?)Fleetway smiles.(Fleetway: Me and Scourge made a promise to Rose..)(Fiona: Well I don't know why you two are so calm..your two people,and the royal family has more on they're side what's exactly your plan..)The two vamphogs smile.(Scourge: I wouldn't worry..Fleetway is much stronger then me,I mean..he is Blacks Brother..)Fiona pause's as she looks at both of them..what do they plan to do..are they actually that stupid to think..they're just gonna kill the king?(Fiona: Why..and what makes you think you stand a chance..?!)The yellow vamphog has a sadistic look on his face,he seemed to have such confidence.(Fleetway: I'm royal blood Fiona..I have the ability to challenge my dear nephew..and he will take the offer out of pride..I know him,he hates to feel weak..)Fiona goes silent for a second.(Fiona: You want to take the throne..but why didn't you do this years ago..)(Fleetway: wasn't just about ruling..I've waited years for that boy to be strong I could fight him fair,and let Black watch him lose to me)Fleetway was willing to wait years on end,to the day he felt Mephiles was worth his time.He wanted to win that throne with a good fight.(Fiona: Black never stole Selena from you..she just never loved you)The yellow vamphog grabs her by the throat,causing her to choke.(Fleetway: I don' her..)He said with a cold tone as Scourge moves over to them quick.(Scourge: Let go of her Fleetway!)Sally watch's Scourge yelling at Fleet grabbing Fiona from him,as she sneaks away.She bums into someone..and looks up to see the two Princes.(Shadow: You both didn't even bother to hide..)Shadow said as the three look see Sally go behind the two Princes.(Fleetway: Ah..if it isn't my two nephews..~)(Shadow: haven't called us that in a long time..)Fleet looked at Mephiles as he smiles with pride.(Fleetway: How's your lover much pain did he feel..~?)Mephiles looked back at Fleetway.(Mephiles: Fuck you..)(Fleetway: What did you expect though..someone was bond to hurt him..after all..)He said as he walks over to them,standing three inch's away.(Fleetway: Vampires aren't very fond of his kind..if I didn't do it someone else would of..~)Mephiles grabs Fleetway by the caller of his shirt tight,he was already pissed about all this,and Fleetway just made it worse.(Fleetway: If we're gonna fight..I would rather fight for the throne..)He said with no fear in his voice,even though He could feel that Mephiles wants to kill him.(Mephiles: And why would i do that..)Mephiles said as his grip tightened more.(Fleetway: You remember..we made a little deal when you were a little boy..we'd fight one day to show our strength and our worth for the throne..are you afraid now..?)Fleet asked as Mephiles stares at him coldly.(Mephiles: I'm not a child anymore..)(Fleetway: So your afraid..~)Shadow interrupts,feeling he should tell Mephiles not to go with it.At times Mephiles can be stubborn,to prove himself.(Shadow: Ignore have no reason to fight him)Shadow said with a serious tone,Mephiles keeps his grip tight on Fleetway shirt.(Mephiles: I win..I keep my right to the throne..)(Fleetway: Yes..of course..~)(Shadow: Mephiles this is ridiculous..there's no reason to fight him..)Mephiles let's go of the yellow vamphog..he was willing to take the deal..he wanted to kill Fleetway himself anyway.Sliver could of died because of him and Scourge.(Mephiles: Scourge will also die if I win..)Fiona looks at Scourge and then his majesty.(Fiona: No..please don't kill my husband..!)She yelled holding Scourges arm with anger in her voice..along with fear.(Shadow: He betrayed the royal family..he knew what was gonna happen..)Shadow looks at Mephiles with disappointment.(Shadow: Brother Just sentence them both..there's no reason for this fight..)The vamphog Prince said with a serious tone,as Mephiles looks back at him.(Mephiles: He hurt Sliver..putting him to death is not good enough..if it's not my own hands to do so..)(Shadow: For fuck sake..stop being stubborn Mephiles..your playing his game..which is pointless..!)(Mephiles: If it was Sonic you would want to kill him don't act like you wouldn't do the same..)He said coldly as Shadow looked at him offended..the two brothers went silent as Shadow looked away,his brother wasn't wrong..Shadow would want to do the same.(Scourge: Don't be such a hypocrite Shadow..~)The green vamphog said as he chuckled,Shadow hissed at him out of he takes Sally away.Leaving Mephiles with the three.

Sonic sits near the bed,where his brother is now fast asleep.Sliver was exhausted from all the yelling he made,he was in so pain.The blue hedgehog wipes his brothers face,with a rag.The gray hedgehog,had a lot of dried tears on his face.Sonic hears the door to the room open,as he turns to see Shadow.The prince walks over to Sonic,and hugs him from behind.The mortal looked at his lover..who seemed to be troubled.(Sonic: something wrong..?)Sonic asked with some worry in his voice.Shadow was holding Sonic kinda tight,but it didn't hurt.(Shadow: going to fight Fleetway for the throne..instead of just sentencing him to death..)(Sonic: Who's Fleetway..?)Sonic asked with confusion as Shadow remembered,he never told Sonic about Fleet.Let alone his name..(Shadow: I don't think you ever met him..he's a yellow vamphog..him and Scourge,were the ones that wanted to kill Sliver)Sonics eyes widened,he realized who Shadow was talking about.(Sonic: I've seen Fleetway before..I just never knew his name..)They both hear a groan and turned to look at Sliver,the gray vamphog opened his eyes.The color of yellow was replaced,with the color red in his eyes.Sliver looked around,as the gray hedgehog sat up fast.He looked at his brother..the smell of blood,made him turn to look at the cup of blood next to him.He grabbed it and started drinking it..the two watched Sliver.Sonic looked at his brother,who wasn't a mortal anymore.Sliver looked so hungry finishing the blood in the cup.When he was done drinking..his eyes widened and then looked at the two.(Sliver: W-What..?)He asked..noticing the two starring at him,Sonic smiled.(Sonic: Nothing im..just glad your ok)
(Sliver: Im a vampire now..aren't I..)Shadow answered yes,as Sliver sits in the bed..thinking about everything.He then notices Mephiles is no where to be seen.(Sliver: Wheres Mephiles..?)Shadow goes silent as he soon explains what's going on.

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