Sorry to wake you

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The door creeks open as a figure makes it's way into the room. Walking slowly and carefully, as to not make any noise. Slowly, they make their way towards the bed and reach the side. They reach their hand out to the figure laying down and...

"(Y/N)" Weiss said shaking him softly. "Are you awake?" She asks softly.

"Weiss? Is something wrong?" (Y/N) stirs and slowly gets up. "What are you doing up so late?" (Y/N) asks as he looks at the clock, it reads '01:00'

"I... I had a nightmare and was scared. I came to find you. I didn't want to be alone..."

"Oh..." (Y/N) takes a moment to think. "Alright lay down. I can take the chair." (Y/N) slowly begins to get up as Weiss stops him.

"Please don't. I... my sister usually sleeps with me when this happens. Please...?" Weiss begins to tear up. (Y/N) sighs and agrees, knowing this is a losing battle.

Weiss lays down next to him and they both stare at the ceiling, not saying a word. This continues for a few minutes until (Y/N) breaks the silence.

"You said you have a sister? What's she like?"

"Yes." A smile grows on Weiss' face. "Her name is Winter... she's my older sister. She's very caring and always does her best. I look up to her so much. Whenever i'm sad or scared, she's always there to put a smile on my face." Weiss' smile only grows the more she talks about her.

"It sounds like you love her a lot."

"More than words can explain. I also have a younger brother! Whitley. He turned 3 not to long ago. He's really cute and fun to play with. Then there's my mom, Willow." Weiss explains

"I think I'm starting to see a pattern here" (Y/N) jokes they both let out a small laugh.

"Yeah. She's loves us all so much. She's always there when we need her and she's almost always wearing a smile one her face when I see her. Her smile makes you smile. It's soft and caring."

'She really loves her family. I'm glad.' (Y/N) thinks

"What about your dad?" (Y/N) asks, Weiss' smile instantly fades being replaced with a frown. "Sorry, you don't have to..." Weiss turns to look at him

"It's okay. I have a condition though... can I pet your ears?" Weiss asks sheepishly "they look soft."

'What is with everyone and either holding, or petting me? Have they never seen a Faunus? Or am I just special?... she looks sad.'

"... fine." (Y/N) says exhaling. This brings back Weiss' smile which makes it more bearable.

It wasn't that (Y/N) disliked being pet. It was more that he wondered why it happened so much. With Shirou and everyone it made more sense. But why Weiss. This never happened to his parents or anyone.

Weiss reaches out and places a hand on (Y/N)'s head. "My dad is... I'm not sure. He's my dad yes but he doesn't really interact with me or winter very much. It looks like he's just trying to run the company, I think he just wants to make sure we live comfortably but it still hurts... I want him to pay attention to us more. And I want him to say he's proud of us... do you think... he's looking for me right now? I left because my parents got in a fight and ended up out here in the forest... you know what happened next." Weiss wears a sad expression

"I'm sure he is Weiss. I'm sure he's very worried and is searching for you right now. Don't worry." (Y/N) smiles warmly at her. "It'll be okay. You can stay here while you wait and we'll do what we can to help. I promise you'll get back home safe and sound." Weiss' eyes begin to tear up and she embraces (Y/N) in a soft hug.

"Thank you (Y/N). Thank you so much." Weiss cries into him. (Y/N) is surprised for a moment, before hugging her back.

"It'll be okay Weiss." (Y/N) says as Weiss slowly drifts off into the world of slumber with a smile on her face.

Unknown to both of them a man with golden hair rests upon the wall outside next to the door. Originally he came because he was concerned after realising that Weiss was no longer in the room she was allowed to sleep in. He came to inform (Y/N) but then saw her enter the room and listened to them speak. He smiles listening to the boy who never spoke not long ago having such a long and meaningful conversation with someone he just met. He was... proud. He decided to stay awhile longer just to make sure they were both sleeping. Once he made sure he left to go back to his own room. A smile on his face.

An: I Hope you enjoyed this chapter. I put a lot of thought and tried hard to convey the emotions I wanted to. I'll upload again soon so keep an eye out

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