On Our Way To Mistral Part 1

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"What did you just say!?" Rin screams.

"He said he's going to mis-"

"I heard what he said Artoria! I get wanting to explore but so soon!?"

"Rin, she was just trying to help. But I have to agree (Y/N). What brought this on?" Shirou says.

I try to explain but I just can't. I look to Gilgamesh for help. For awhile, He doesn't say anything. Then he exhales and speaks up. "Rin, Shirou, Artoria. Come, let's have a talk." He says motioning to the door.

"Gil are you serious?"

"Now." Gilgamesh says seriously and gets up walking to the door.

"Augh! Fine! Stay there (Y/N)!" Rin says. They all get up and follow him.

Thank you Gil


"I think we should let him go." Gilgamesh says

"What!? Are you serious Gil? He just came back from the dead... god saying it out loud makes it that much more terrifying  and real." Rin says

"That's exactly my point. He hasn't moved in six months. He must be dying to move around."

"He could do that here." Shirou says.

"That's my second point. In the seven years he has lived with us the only time he has left the house was to visit the Schnees. That can't be healthy for a twelve year old!"

"This is a world full of monsters Gil! It's dangerous!"

"How old were you when we fought!? Sixteen? Seventeen!? As far as I'm aware there is nothing that is even close to my level here Rin. As far as I'm aware, you and Shirou are the last ones to say 'it's too dangerous.'"


"You're holding him back!"

"I'm doing nothing of the sort!"

"Shut up! Me and Saber have a say in this too don't we?" Shirou asks and Artoria nods. "Yes I agree it's dangerous, and far away, but we can't just treat him like a kid. He's also dealt with his fair share of danger."

"We don't have to make an immediate decision. Let's take our time. So take a deep breath."


"I can't believe I'm agreeing to this... you can go (Y/N)." Rin says

"Yes!" I exclaim pumping my fist in the air

"But-" Rin tears the joy from my heart.

"No!" I let my hands fall

"Gilgamesh will come with you." Rin says.

Shirou steps up. "We all came to this decision. We can't just let three kids alone to travel to another continent alone. How were you planning to get to Mistral?"


"You want to walk... walk to another continent. Not only that you have to cross the ocean... did you forget that?" Rin jumps in

...Truthfully... that did slip my mind... "No?"

"There's also the matter of safety. Yes you can fight well (Y/N) and I know that the girls can too, but now you can't protect yourself with aura. That's not a chance we're willing to take." Artoria says

"Yeah that's fine." I interrupt them

"What?" I don't think they expected this reaction from their faces

"That's cool. Why would I have a problem with that? Did you seriously think I expected you to let two kids and a teenager go to a whole other continent alone... seriously? Would Willow agree to that?" I laugh for a few seconds until I noticed they weren't. "You seriously thought that?"

Artoria snickers then laughs, soon followed by Shirou and Gilgamesh. Rin just stood there looking embarrassed and upset

"Guys come on. Yes I'm strong for someone my age doesn't mean I think I can explore the world on my own. That's like saying... just because Gilgamesh is strong doesn't mean he can take on an army..." I gauge their reactions. Yeah that's not true. "Bad example... uhh just because Shirou saw a sword doesn't mean he can copy- no not that... just because Saber- nope... I got it! Just because Rin is smart doesn't mean she knows how to use a tv remote!"

(Y/N) age 7

"Hey Rin what are you doing?" I walk into the kitchen

"I'm trying to use the microwave..." she says using pointing the remote at the microwave. "But it just won't start!"

Shirou slams open the sliding door and yanks the remote out of Rin's hand. "Remember last time? I told you to never try to use a remote again!"

"What happened last time?"

"I told her to record a show and she nearly blew a hole in my tv because she got frustrated!"

Authors note: this situation could have very likely happened in FATE mages and notoriously bad with electronics. Shirou is an exception to this because he isn't only focused on magecraft. The blow up tv line? That's actually legit. It was a scene in carnival phantasm I think.

"I thought we weren't going to talk about that!" Rin shouts flustered

"I walked in on her once flipping over a tablet to 'try to turn the page'"

"You too Saber!?" Rin yells at Artoria

"Alright. While they're making fun of Rin, let's talk. When do you want to leave?" Gil asks me

"Now..." I tell him

"Now?" I nod. "Alright. Let's go. Did you pack? You can put in in the gate if you want. Travel easier." He pats my back. "Come on"

Gil get up and leave heading towards the door

"See you guys later." I tell them. "Take care."

Rin and Artotia hug me and Shirou gives me a fist bump telling me to have fun.

I walk out the door. Seeing Gil, Winter, and Weiss waiting for me. "Alright! Let's go!" And we start walking off
A/N: this part one is made to set up the moments before the trip. Originally I was going to put the parts together as one chapter but I felt it would work better separate

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