Companion Cube

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My eyes shoot open, wet, my head pounding. I clutch my chest. I can feel my fingers slowly sink into my skin. I feel my blood wet my fingers. I'm glad I wore a black shirt.

"(Y/N)?" I hear Weiss' voice. I was facing the back of the ship looking at the ocean. "Are you awake?"

"Yeah." I say in a shaky voice

"Are you okay? You sound-"

"I'm fine Weiss." I cut her off with a harsh tone. "Gil are we almost there?" I try to change the subject

"Almost. About an hour left." He says not turning his head.

"Hey (Y/N). Are you sure you're-" Weiss begins

"Alright, tell me when we get there." I put back on my headphones and climb behind the throne facing the ocean. It's not a spot you can reach easily and it's not a spot where you can really talk to anyone. Perfect for me. I put on 115- Remaster. I'm not planning on going back to sleep for awhile. I turn up the volume drowning everything out again.


"Hey (Y/N)!" I yell. He doesn't answer. "(Y/N)?!" Still no response. I walk over to Winter, who is enjoying the view of the passing ocean. "Do you think he's okay?"

Winter tilts her head back "(Y/N)? I'm not sure... we should let him be for now. He probably just had a nightmare. Give him a bit and he should be fine."

"... okay." I say saddened.

Winter looks back to the ocean. "I know how you feel Weiss." She pats the spot beside her. I sit down and she wraps an arm around my shoulder and hugs me. "Don't worry. I'm sure he'll be okay."

I don't say anything. I just nod.


I hope you're okay (Y/N)


I put on my glasses.

[Hello (Y/N)]


[Is something wrong?]

Nothing. Tell me about your features.

[... if you insist, I have a wide range of functions. You will not have access to all of these immediately, rather, you will have to unlock them, alternatively you can try to discover them on your own.]

Of course it wouldn't be that easy. What currently can I do?

[You can access the following: Map, journal, blueprint design, cube materialization, aura and health measurement, status, and tutorial.]

[Map function: display a map of your current location or, access a full map to the places you have previously been. Map will automatically update as you travel.]

[Journal function: write a personal journal of the days events or, details and information you don't want to forget.]

[Blueprint design: when wanting to create, one must first have a concept to begin with. Limited access.]

[Cube materialization: after regaining conscious, one of the first things you may have noticed was your left arm, and the missing black cube. Do not be frightened by this. The cube has fused with you, the material and tattoo like design on your arm is the cube. The cube is permanently fused with you. Materialize the cube to access and discover its functions.]

[Aura and heath measurement function: this feature will both measure and display your aura levels and physical health.]

[Status function: this will show your general information and skills, more information will be shown to you as time passes and you gain access to more information.]

A life worth living (male reader x rwby)Where stories live. Discover now