Chapter 3

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A great thing to do, really. Pass out in front of your new boss and co-workers is a great way to start the job! (That you totally didn't have, yet.)

But, you weren't able to do anything. You were currently unconscious on the floor of the manor. It was truly embarrassing.

💌 (This sign means pov switch)

'WHY DID SHE PASS OUT?!' The doctor cried out inside his head, sweat pouring down from under his bag. His hands were on his head, clutching his bag as his stature was defensive.

He looked at his boss in a sense of aggression or direction. He feared that since the new person passed out, the blame would be pinned on him.

Yet, his boss looked fairly calm for the usual scowl and yelling.

"Take her to a room, Doctor." He had began to walk away.

"B-But sir, we don't have anymore rooms-" He cowers under the impression he would burst.

"Then take her to yours or Dementia's!" He shouted. He then left to do his own bidding of gathering oblivious souls for his own amusement.

There was no way Flug was going to trust Dementia with you. She could tear you apart like the other heroes easily.

So, his room it was.

He slipped one of this gloves hands under your back, then under you thighs. He crouched to the floor and began to lift with his legs.

His poor weak nerd arms could barely carry a box, how could he carry you?! The only thing that could ever prove to be easy to carry was blueprints and vials, which was all he carried anyways.

(No offense to anyone)

"5.0.5, grab her please." The doctor waved his hand at the bear, and began to lead the large bear to his room and or lab.

The bear had grabbed you whole and began to waddle towards the doctor, happily following what he believed to be his father.

"" You mumbled out.

Drug you?! What kind of fucked up world did you live in?! He didn't drug you, he just kinda..


Kidnapped you with a new teleporter he was working on.


He began to focus on other words you had said, like man. At least you had a social life, which would be immediately eradicated by the Boss. That thought made him hum with unease.

Well, at least they were at his room. Well, his lab.

He opened the bolted door and walked to the far side of his lab. He then opened the time capsule of a bed and instructed for 5.0.5 to put you down.

The large bear immediately complied, making delighted noises at doing something right for once. Flug then began to work on his next invention for the next commercial.

He really didn't pay much attention to you as much as he was to his gadget. But alas, his mind began wondering back to you, eventually making him stop whatever it was he was doing, and stand by you.

He began to watch you and instantly wondered where he had seen you before. A commercial, perhaps?

Wait..yeah. He had seen you in a commercial once for something he couldn't remember. It doesn't matter, though. He had better things to attend to at the moment.

Almost 2:00 in the morning again. It's times like these my inspiration strikes most.

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed, and have a great day/night!


Edit: looks like younger me was right. It's currently 2:23 am at night, on a Tuesday. A struggle, really. But, I have easily dimmed my itch to edit this, instead of watching Captain Underpants. Yes, I know it might seem childish. The show is funny as hell, though. You don't see me complaining.

Enjoy, and remember, go watch some of your old childhood shows. You might find delight and nostalgia in the deepest of thoughts. Have fun! <3

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