with Eileen

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hey guys I am  back your host wang wei . i am here with   einfach_Eileen


1. Can you tell me about yourself?

Eileen. To tell something about yourself is always difficult. But a few key data about me, I can give you. My name is Eileen, I am 41 years old and married and I have a son who is now almost 22 years old. I work as a caregiver in the elderly and care sector. My hobbies were and are writing, reading and especially listening to music.

2. What book you are currently reading?

Eileen: I do not read the book or rather, the book series, but listen to it. The Chronicle of the Immortals by Wolfgang Hohlbein, a German author quite well known in this country.

3. Who is your favorite writer?

Eileen: I have more than one favorite author. Wolfgang Hohlbein, Stephen King, and also David Morrell are among them.

4. When did you realize you wanted to be a writer?

Eileen: I have always wanted to write. Even as a young girl, I always had a small writing book with me and fantasized about all the stories together. In my youth, it became quiet around my hobby, became then, however, when I was about 20 years old, it again more current. And since I became a YiZhan/ZhanYi fan, it's almost more than a hobby. More a passion.

5. If you have to choose between wang yibo and xiao zhan whom will you? And why

Eileen: I couldn't choose between the two because I like them both in the same way and in equal parts. However, if I had to choose, I would probably choose Xiao Zhan. But then only with bonus points because he never gave up. No matter what hurdles he had to overcome, he never gave up.

6. What is your weakness?

Eileen: My weakness, mhhh in my private life, is that I can probably never say no and always offer my help, even if I know that this or that person is ungrateful. Otherwise, my biggest weakness at this moment is probably my love for lychee bubble tea.

7. Out of all your books which is your favorite?

Eileen: One of my favorite of all my books is Fear of the Dark.

8. What are your hobbies and interests?

Eileen: I have already mentioned my hobbies. My interests correspond more or less with my hobbies. I also like for example everything around criminal cases and autopsies.

9. Anything that you want to change in this world?

9. Something I would like to change in the world would be to make the people of all countries more open-minded. I just say #loveislove

10. Can you tell us about your next upcoming projects?

Eileen:. I rarely plan projects in advance. If an idea comes to me, then I act spontaneously.
Unfortunately, planned projects always end up at the bottom of my list and are all too often forgotten. But one thing I do plan, I want to write another MPREG book in the near future. But I don't have any exact plans yet.

i hope you guys like it our next author is  JJSin2020

i hope you guys like it our next author is  JJSin2020

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