Voice //Kaminari x Reader

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    (This is a song fic, so if you can't access the song given, I'll give the name)

    (Y/n) was apart of an amateur band called Phantom Thief. Led by none other than, the loud and annoying, Neito Monama. Who was basically a dictator to everyone. "(Y/n)! God, focus on your lines!" Monama yelled in their rented out practice room. Kendo placed a hand on (Y/n)'s shoulder and sent them a reassuring look, then turned to Monama "Calm down, Monama. We're all messing up. It's only practice." (Y/n) sighed and clutched the stack of papers they had been given.

    "Well, they shouldn't be messing up as much as you guys! They're the backup singer!!" His voice rose and (Y/n) flinched away. "Whoa whoa whoa, what do ya mean by that?!" Testsutetsu, the drummer, said astonished. Monama turned to him and laughed, "You guys don't matter! Only I do, and... Sometimes (Y/n)- but that's besides the point!" Kendo slapped Monama on the back of his head. "That's not cool, Monama! We matter as much as you."

    (Y/n) ripped the stack of papers they where holding in two and shoved them into Monama's chest. "Find yourself another singer. I quit." They turned around and grabbed their guitar case, slinging it over their shoulders. "W-wait we can talk about this!" Monama begged. Kendo scoffed and crossed her arms, "I agree with (Y/n) on this one. I think we should disband." Tetsutetsu nodded. Monama groaned, "Fine! I don't need you guys! I'll just find another bassist and drummer. Easy as that!"

    (Y/n) laughed, "Yeah sure, good luck with that Monama." Then they shoved open the door, almost hitting someone on the other side. The boy was blonde and had a dyed black streak in his hair. They quickly apologized and walked towards the exit, Monama on her tail. "Wait!! (Y/n) please don't go! I need you!" (Y/n) flipped him off, "I told ya to get another singer you asshole!"  They said as she left the building. Monama screaming, and the blonde and black streaked-haired boy looking at where (Y/n)'s form was just at.


    The past couple of weeks where mentally relieving for (Y/n). They had begun to write their own songs and did small gigs at bars and such. Though tonight was different, they where meeting up with a band that had needed one more person in their band to participate in a contest. The flyer was taped poorly to the outside window of a coffee shop, but (Y/n) gladly took it.

    (Y/n) wandered down the side walk, looking for the address they where given. Eventually they walked up to a two story house that had a soft cream colour to it. "Hm, cozy." They said aloud and made their way to the garage. 'Just knock two times on the garage and we'll open up.' The paper (Y/n) held said. They shrugged and banged on the garage door twice, subconsciously adjusting the strap that held their guitar in it.

    Soon, the door slid open and revealed a girl with purple hair. "Oh cool! You're here for the part?" She asked, pointing to the paper. (Y/n) nodded and stepped into the garage. "That is if it's not already taken." They nervously chuckled, but the purple haired girl waved her away. "Oh no worries, you're actually the first to actually come. I'm Kyoka Jirou." She said, holding out her hand. (Y/n) took her hand and shook it, "(Y/n). Just (Y/n) eheh."

    "Well, (Y/n), why don't you show me what you got?" Jirou said. (Y/n) nodded and took out their guitar and tuned it. "I'm probably not as good as you'd hope. I'm usually placed as a backup singer." They said, trying to strike up a conversation. "It's okay, just go for it!" Jirou said enthusiastically, admiring your guitar. It was a simple acoustic (f/c) guitar with your name engraved on the body, branded by Yamaha, but it seemed like jirou was looking at all of it's details. (Y/n) cleared their throat and strummed the guitar once.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2022 ⏰

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