Needing You//Kirishima x Reader

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Kirishima had feelings for (Y/n). He knew it too. But he was scared to show or say anything because what they both had already was perfect. And he didn't want to ruin it by some feelings he had that she may not reciprocate. Although he wouldn't admit it, he was terrified sometimes that he would slip up. So he resulted in becoming distant even though he didn't mean to.

(Y/n) saw it too. When she'd greet him, Kirishima would mumble a good morning and avoid her gaze. It troubled her, to say the least.

"Good morning, Kiri." She said, trying to get something out of him today. "Morning..." Kirishima said and hid his face like he did every day. (Y/n) sighed and made her way to Mina. "Mina~ It's happening again. He's so quiet." She sobbed. "It'll pass (Y/n)! Maybe he'll break out of his shell tonight. Remember that party I was planning? Well, hopefully he'll come. I invited the whole bakusquad." Mina said and patted her back. "You really think so?" (Y/n) asked. "I know so." Mina reassured.

That Night...

The party wasn't really anything crazy. It was pretty laid back, per Mr.Aizawa's request. And as Mina had guessed, Kirishima had showed and he was talking to Bakugo who had just finished making the food. He was smiling and laughing, that's for sure. 'Maybe he'll warm up to me again... I wonder what happened.' (Y/n) thought. "Psst! Hey (Y/n)!" Mina whisper shouted. "Here!" She handed her two plastic red cups. "Go over and hand Kirishima one and ask if he's enjoying the party! It's a great conversation starter!"

"I don't know, Mina..." (Y/n) said doubtful. "Oh come on girl! Go get em." Mina pushed her friend closer to the red head to encourage her. (Y/n) took a deep breath and made her way to Kirishima. She nudged him with her elbow, and offered him the drink. Kirishima tensed. "Good to see you, Kiri. Here. First drink of the night." He nodded and took it. "Cheers!" (Y/n) knocked her drink with his and took a sip. "See you around Kirishima." She smiled at him, and he received an akward one. (Y/n) turned and walked away.

Even though (Y/n) had followed Mina's instructions, Kirishima was still as distant as ever. And she found her self sitting on the couch and swirling her drink in her cup. "Heyy girl!" Mina hiccuped. "You enjoying the party?" She was obviously intoxicated. "Let me guess. You spiked the drinks?" (Y/n) raised a brow. "Ohhhh your no fun!" Mina giggled. (Y/n) sighed and gulped down her drink. "I need another." She handed Mina the cup. "NOW YOU'RE TALKING!" Mina said obnoxiously and ran off to fill (Y/n)'s cup.


"Just go over there and talk to her, man!" Kaminari insisted. "She totally digs you." Kirishima shook his head. He had asked Bakugou for some advice earlier but the blonde had growled at him and told him to stop being a pussy. So he turned to Kaminari, which was probably his first mistake. Kirishima sighed and nervously looked in your direction. He finished his fourth drink of the night and forcefully shoved the cup into Kaminari's chest.

Mina turned up the music, it was playing 'Sunflower' (play the music up top). (Y/n) slipped her drink and looked absent mindedly as the music drowned out her thoughts. Kirishima sat beside her and startled her. "Kiri?" (Y/n) asked. Kirishima stared at her for a moment. "I..." He started but fell silent, he felt dizzy and almost as if he was in a trance. What was in those drinks?

(Y/n) and Kirishima said nothing and forgot about everyone else who was in the room. Though everyone saw what the two were doing. Mina gasped and pointed them out. Kirishima put his hand over hers and squeezed it. "I'm sorry..." He whispered. "Don't be.." (Y/n) whispered back. He raised his other hand and rested it on the side of her face, slowly leaning in. Her eyes widened 'I shouldn't have had that many drinks.' (Y/n) thought and she followed suit with Kirishima. Their lips grazed each other's, both in a haze and unaware of what exactly they were doing.

"Get a room!" Kaminari yelled on the top of his lungs. Sero punched his side which made Kaminari scream out in pain. "YOU COCKBLOCK!" Mina said angry. "WHY ARE YOU MAD?!" Kaminari asked.

Kirishima suddenly pulled away from (Y/n) and hid his face in his hands. And (Y/n) felt an odd pang of sadness. She looked around the room and stood. "I-I'm going to go..." She said and ran off to her dorm.

Once there she slammed her door shut and slid down it. "Oh my god." (Y/n) said to herself. "Was I hallucinating? No... It felt so real.." She touched her lips. "We didn't even kiss... Did we?" She groaned and put her face in her hands. "I'm so stupid."

. . . . . . . . .

Downstairs, Mina had tried to reason with Kirishima to go talk to you after you had abruptly left. But he said no, and that he had enough excitement for one night. He stood and made his way to his dorm. As he was walking he stopped in front of (Y/n)'s door, tempted to knock.

Then, as he raised his hand, (Y/n) opened the door. She tensed. "Erm... Hi Kiri." She mumbled. He waved and looked at the floor. "Did you.. need something?" (Y/n) asked. Kirishima shot his head up and opened his mouth to say something but nothing came out. "Kirishima?" (Y/n) called, and he seemingly snapped out of a trance. "I'm uhm..." He stumbled over his words, "I'm sorry about tonight... I-I don't know what I was thinking and-" (Y/n) shook her head and hugged him,;wrapping her arms around his neck. "It's alright, Kiri. You don't have to apologize."

Kirishima became flustered and hugged her back. "Okay." He whispered, making (Y/n) release the hug to look at him face-to-face. Kirishima stared at her for a moment and cursed at himself for it. "Hey Kiri?" She asked. "Yeah?" He responded hesitantly. He had barley hear her. "Why have you been avoiding me so much?" Kirishima looked dumbfounded. "What do you mean?"

"Well... Lately you've been distant. And I felt as if I had done something wrong? I'm sorry if I have though! Just tell me if-" (Y/n) stopped mid-sentence as Kirishima rested a hand on the side of her face, pulling it up to look at him. "You've done nothing wrong, (Y/n). It was me. I've been so confused about my own feelings. Having a war with my mind. So I distanced my self away... Because I didn't want to loose you." (Y/n) gasped, and a red hue speed across her face. "Oh... Kiri." She stared at him with a troubled look. "I-I..." (Y/n) blinked a couple times before she realized that they where leaning into each other's touches once again. "Tell me if I should stop..." Kirishima whispered and he grew closer.

(Y/n)'s eyes fluttered shut as their lips connected. She pulled him closer by his shoulders, and he pulled her in by her hips. (Y/n) moaned into the kiss making Kirishima stop for a moment to catch his breath, "Are you okay with this, (Y/n)?" She nodded and brought him back into the kiss. They both stumbled back into her dorm room, shutting the door behind them.

(Lol sorry if y'all where expecting smut huehehehehe. Anygays see ya next time ❤️)

//August 2, 2022//

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