Pt. 1

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Disclaimer!!! A majority of the story will be Jada's Pov (point of view) since she's the main character-

Jada Pov - Monday, 6:03 a.m.
I woke up to the sound of a text. I unburied myself from the many blankets I had on my bed and peeked over at my phone. *6:03 am* I groaned. I didn't feel like getting up at all. It was Monday, my last first day of high school. I swung my feet to the side ofmy bed and rolled my neck around. I grabbed my phone off my nightstand and texted my best friend Asia.

Jada: Asia let's skip today

Asia💕: Come on girl! It's our last first day and you already know there are so many fine ass boys at Vermont I wanna see for the last time😫😫

I laughed at her text. I loved my best friend, she's the closest thing I've ever had to a sister. I got up and began getting ready for my day. I decided to keep it cute, but simple. I threw on a white long-sleeved tee and some skinny ripped dark wash blue jeans.

After I got dressed, I brushed my teeth and washed my face

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After I got dressed, I brushed my teeth and washed my face. I laid my edges and went to get myself something to eat. I made myself a bowl of Fruity Pebbles and ate while listening to Wild Side by Normani. I soon finished my cereal and grabbed my backpack to head out the door. I walked out into the cool crisp morning air. I shivered a bit walking to my car. I got in and put on some lip gloss before I texted Asia to let her know I was on my way to pick her up.

About halfway to Asia's, a beeping sound from my car notified me that my tank was on E. I rolled my eyes and let out a deep sigh. I wanted nothing more than to get to school already to get the day done and over with. I drove for another 3 minutes when I was coming up on a gas station to my left. I pulled into the station at one of the pumps and turned my car off. I was hoping and praying that I saw nobody I knew. Which to be honest, I don't know a lot of people. I just didn't necessarily feel like socializing at the time.

I hopped out of the car, paid for my gas, and began fueling my car up. As I waited for my gas to finish pumping I noticed a guy in a white car staring at me with the window rolled down parked at the pump beside me. I tried not to make it too obvious that I could notice him noticing me. After a while, I was creeped out and decided to say something. I finished filling my tank, locked my car doors, and walked over to the driver side of his car.

"Um, can I help you with anything?" I asked with a bit of attitude. Having a much closer look at his face I noticed how fine this boy was. He was fair-skinned with grayish-green colored eyes and short dark brown hair. He had on a white tank top so I could see how toned his arms were. God, he was beautiful. I snapped back into reality once I heard him laugh. Even his laugh was attractive. "What's exactly funny?" I looked around me to make sure I didn't miss anything.

"It's nothing," he said looking me up and down. I took a slight step back from the car. "What's your name?" he asked me. I crossed my arms. "Why do you want to know?" He licked his lips before asking me the question again. I checked the time on my phone to make sure I would be on time to pick up Asia. "So you're going to ignore me? Or am-" I cut him off mid-sentence and looked him directly in the eye.

"Do you know me or something? I don't think we've met before. Also, why were you staring at me? Matter of fact, what's your name?" I bombarded him with questions and had the most serious look on my face. He shrugged his shoulders. By this point, I figured he was playing, and I didn't have time for games. I quickly walked back to my car, unlocked the doors, got in, and closed the doors. I peeked back over to his car just to see him laughing. Bastard.

Throughout the rest of the drive to Asia's house, all I could think about was the strangers gorgeous smile. As much as I hate to admit it, I hope I see him somewhere again. You don't see boys that fine around my area. At least not the type of fine I'm interested in. I shouldn't have been bitching and just told him my name. I don't get attention from guys often so this is kind of new to me. I liked the little feeling it gave me.

Soon I pulled up to Asia's house. I honked twice to let her know I was there and waiting for her. 30 seconds later I saw my beautiful best friend walking through her front door all dressed up, as usual.

 30 seconds later I saw my beautiful best friend walking through her front door all dressed up, as usual

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She opened the car door and got in. I gave her a side hug and began to tell her all about what happened at the gas station. I already knew that she was going to be super excited about it. Asia has been wanting me to get a boyfriend since we were freshmen. It's not that I didn't want a boyfriend, It's just very hard for me to find someone I can connect with.

During the whole ride to school, Asia wouldn't stop going on about how that guy was feeling me. I've never seen him before and we've never met until today. We pulled into the school parking lot and found a spot near the main entrance. It felt so good to know that it would all be over soon. No more early mornings to go sit in a room for 8 hours to "learn". Asia and I stepped out of the car and started walking toward the school's main doors. As we entered, we noticed we still had 15 minutes till our first class had started, so we decided to just go into the cafeteria to sit and pass time.

- Monday, 7:46 a.m.
Once we found a table, we sat down and talked for a minute until I felt a slight tap on my right shoulder. I turned around to see who it was and just to my surprise, it was the guy from the gas station earlier. I stood up and met right at his neck. He was taller than he seemed to be in his car. "It's Christian," he said to me. I looked over my shoulder at Asia who was cheesing so hard it made me chuckle. I quickly made an unbothered face and looked up at him. "What?" I was confused. He scanned me with his eyes again. "Are you still choosing to be stubborn or do you want to tell me your name now?"

I decided to stop acting stuck up and bitchy. He's too cute. I rolled my eyes at him. "Jada." He smiled when I spoke. "It's nice to meet you, Jada. I see you may have a little attitude problem that needs to be fixed hm?" He was looking dead into my eyes. I can't lie. I got butterflies in my stomach when he said what he said. But I didn't even know this man for him to be talking to me like this. I decided to ignore it. "Boy please."

I turned around to see Asia now scrolling through Instagram on her phone. I tapped her arm to signal her to follow me as I left the cafeteria. I took a quick peek over my shoulder to get one last look at Christian, but he was gone. I admired his efforts and perseverance. I don't like quitters. Who knows, I may have just found a new friend.

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