Pt. 16

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Christian Pov - Saturday
"She's crazy. As hell."

Jada popped a strawberry in her mouth. "Oh yea, that I could tell." She grabbed another. "No you don't understand. She's seriously crazy. Jasmine knew more of my personal information than I did." Jada cocked her head to the side. "Information like what?"

"She knew all my passwords, my license plate number, every place I've ever worked, my address, my phone number even after changing it several times. Hell, she knew my social security number." I took a breath.

Jada had a blank stare on her face with a mouthful of strawberries. "Yeah I know, insane." I stopped talking for a moment to let her speak. She swallowed a mouthful of berries. "I can understand knowing the phone number, passwords, and address of course. But the license plate and social security number is crazy." She chuckled. I furrowed my eyebrows at her.

"Jada it's not funny. Jasmine is going to try to give you hell. I'll end up killing that girl, I'm sure of it." I clenched my jaw. Jada scooted over close to me and placed her hands on both sides of my face. Her face came close with mines. Our noses were almost touching. "I will be ok." She spoke gently.

My jaw immediately relaxed and my gaze softened. "I can promise you that. I've been through way worse than Jasmine. Don't worry about me, ok?" She kissed the tip of my nose and smiled. She lit up my whole world with that smile. All dark thoughts and moments seemed to disappear when Jada and I were together. It was something about her. She had the sweetest soul and the biggest heart. We were completely opposite, but hey. Opposites attract.

I grabbed a mini sub sandwich from the selection of food that I brought while Jada ate on some more strawberries. "You must really like those, hm?" She nodded her head. "They're the best when dipped in sugar." Jada finished the last of the strawberries while we enjoyed the sun beaming down on us. "Tell me something about you," I told her.

Jada looked at me and raised an eyebrow. "Something like?" I shrugged. "What don't I know about you?" She stopped to think for a moment. "Hmm. I'm afraid of butterflies," she said with a straight face. I started to laugh but I could tell she was serious by the way the corners of her mouth didn't budge. "I know it may sound funny, but I hate almost any insect that flies." I burst out laughing while covering my face. "Jada who in the hell is scared of a damn butterfly?" She crossed her arms and rolled her eyes. "Boy, don't act like you don't have fears."

"I never said I didn't ma'am."

"Tell me something about you. Something I don't know." I set the sandwich I was holding down, never taking a bite. I laid on my side and propped my head up with my arm and faced Jada. "It's a little embarrassing." She laid back with her head turned to me. "I just told you something pretty embarrassing. It's your turn." She stuck her tongue out at me and chuckled. It's probably not anything serious to most people, but to me it's a big deal. "I was held back my freshmen year." Jada put her hand in between us with her palm facing up, signaling to place mine in hers. I did so and she gently rubbed the back of my hand with her thumb. "Don't feel embarrassed about that, it's ok. Why'd you get held back?"

"I'm supposed to be out of high school right now. Last year, I was expelled because of a fight I had gotten into. Harper was involved as well. I wasn't cool with one of the guys in my Anatomy class and I put up with his shit for pretty much the entire year, until he spoke on my dad and I lost my shit. I started going crazy on him right there in the classroom in front of everybody. Then one of his friends decided to jump in so of course, Harper hopped in for me. We ended up hurting the two other guys pretty badly and got expelled. Words don't always get to me, but knowing the way my mother is, because of my father's death made it all different. Anger from her and the pain of my father passing all came to the surface."

Jada Pov - Saturday

Christian closed his eyes and blew out some air. I wasn't exactly sure what was appropriate to say. "He had no right to speak on your father. I'm so sorry Christian." He shook his head and opened his eyes. "It's alright, it's behind me now." I nodded in agreement. "So, back to Jasmine?" he requested. "Of course yeah." Christian and I both sat up and sat in silence for a moment. I looked down at my crocs before slipping them off and hopping into Christians lap. He wrapped his arms around me almost immediately, holding me tightly. I laid my head on his shoulder and savored the feeling of his embrace.

"I'm afraid of the length's Jasmine will go to, to get me back." He broke the silence.

"I never asked, but what did it for you? I mean what made you finally realize that enough is enough."

"When she told me she was transferring to Vermont. I was already sick of her before that, don't get me wrong. But for whatever reason, I loved having control over her. I loved knowing that if I told her to do something, no matter what it was, she'd do it. Having that type of power over someone made me feel so good. Knowing that for once I could control something in my life kept it going. It came to a point where it got scary, and I didn't want to continue." I widened my eyes for a quick second before mouthing the word 'wow'. "How'd she even grow to be so obsessed?" I asked him.

He looked down at me and snickered, "You're going to find out one day." I opened my mouth in disbelief and playfully slapped his chest. "Chris!" We both began to laugh. "Ok, you got me a lil nickname going. I like that," he expressed. I rolled my eyes as a smile spread across my face. "Ok but seriously," he started. "I don't need anything happening to you Jada. I won't even let it come close to happening." His arms tightened around me. "I know you probably think I'm crazy. It's only been a week, but my feelings towards you are strong. It doesn't seem real."

I was so happy to hear Christian speak those words to me. I lifted my head from his chest and gazed into his eyes. "I feel the exact same way. Maybe even stronger. I'm more than excited to see where this goes." I set my hand on his face and stroked his cheek with my thumb. He bit his lip before placing a gentle kiss on mine. I laid my head back onto his shoulder closed my eyes. I never wanted to leave this moment. I never wanted to get rid of this feeling. I felt so wanted. One of my deepest desires seemed to be fading away the more I was with Christian. The desire of being wanted by my father that was. And it was all because of this moment.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2023 ⏰

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