Pt. 15

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Christian Pov - Saturday
My work day began at 7:00 this morning. I only work the weekends as of right now, so I'm sure to get as many hours as I can for 2 days. I work at an Amazon warehouse. I don't love the job, but it pays an okay amount of money. I was planning on meeting Jada later to discuss Jasmine. Now that I know it was her who had tried to bitch up to Jada at school, I was furious. She doesn't deserve to be disrespected by anyone.

I'm supposed to get off at 3:00, but sometimes my boss has me stay for an extra hour or two. I don't mind it though. It gives me something to do and other things to think about. The more I'm at work, the less I'm worrying about my mother.

I wanted to send Jada a quick text to let her know to be ready for me around 4:00. I swiftly pulled my phone out of my pocket and went to my messages.

Christian: hey ms. jada. i'll be to get you around 4:00 so be ready for me. I can't wait to see that pretty face😙

I slipped my phone back into my pocket after sending the message. I was ready to get this shift done and over with.

Jada Pov - Saturday
"Jada wake up, I'm hungry." I felt my body being shaken as I woke from my sleep. "Asia go get you something." I rolled myself away from her. She began shaking me again. "Come on you've been sleeping for too long already. Get up."

I didn't budge. "Christian texted you." My eyes opened almost immediately as I heard his name. I sat up and rubbed my eyes. Asia jokingly pushed my shoulder. She then handed me my phone. I turned it on to find that Christian did leave me a message.

Christian: hey ms. jada. i'll be to get you around 4:00 so be ready for me. i can't wait to see that pretty face😙

I smiled on the inside. I instantly got excited for the day. My feelings for Christian were growing. None of this was intentional, it just happened. I was hoping this could be something. I feel amazing when I'm with him.

I jumped out of bed and went straight to my closet to pick out an outfit. "Let's match today," said Asia. I turned to look at her. "What color are we wearing?" She rolled her eyes. "Girl you already know." And I did. "Yellow. ", We said together. I threw my head back. For whatever reason, I didn't like how yellow looked on me, but it was Asia's favorite color.

"You know I hate that color on me," I whined. She came and stood next to me. "But it looks super cute on me." She began looking through my clothes. "I'll wear a hint of yellow. Deal?" She sighed and nodded.

I threw on a yellow Champion T-shirt with some black leggings and yellow Crocs

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I threw on a yellow Champion T-shirt with some black leggings and yellow Crocs. I didn't want to be too dressy today. Christian and I were probably going to a park or something to talk anyway. Asia on the other hand wanted to get cute. She was supposed to be seeing Harper today.

She threw on a black jumpsuit with a cropped yellow jean jacket and some yellow black and white dunks

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She threw on a black jumpsuit with a cropped yellow jean jacket and some yellow black and white dunks. A little yellow handbag went along with the outfit. She looked super cute and I loved her jumpsuit. I'm gonna have to borrow it sometime.

" Ok, sexy!" I jokingly slapped her butt and she laughed. She did a 360 and posed. "Girl I'm gonna have to borrow that jumpsuit off you at least one good time." She checked herself out. "It's super cute, right? You can wear it a few times, I don't mind."

After we got dressed we did our morning routines. Brushing our teeth, washing our faces, and getting our hair situated. We then headed to the kitchen to have breakfast. Well, a very late breakfast. I made us some eggs and toast, something simple. We ate and discussed our plans with the guys for the day. Harper was taking Asia on a date to someplace he wouldn't tell. I'm pretty anxious about this conversation with Christian. I don't know what I am expecting him to tell me, but I'm ready.

Jada Pov - Saturday

Harper picked up Asia from my house around 2. For the past hour and 45 minutes, I've been scrolling through TikTok bored out of my mind. That was until Christian called me 2 minutes ago telling me he was outside. I sprayed some Warm Sugar body spray on and grabbed my purse before slipping out the door.

"I think my prayers have been answered," Christian said I as approached the driver's side of his car. "Boy, what are you talking about?" I got into his car and put my seatbelt on. "I prayed to see that ass in some leggings one day ." He put his hand on my thigh and placed a kiss on my cheek. I laughed and jokingly slapped his arm. He sat back in his seat and began to stare into my eyes. Those beautiful grey-green eyes. I started to have certain thoughts while observing Christian's bold features. My eyes began to trail down his body. He was wearing some dark-wash blue jeans with a basic white tee. He could make anything look good, I swear.

He looked down at his outfit. "Sorry, it's something simple. I like to be comfortable at work." I rolled my eyes and smiled at him. "Don't apologize, you look handsome in anything and I mean anything." My voice lowered on the second 'anything'. I unknowingly licked my lips as my mind wandered. Christian looked away and chuckled. "Jada, please don't do that," He remarked. I was in the mood to play today. "Do what?" I then took off my seatbelt and reached over Christian to push his seat back. All the way back.

I then got into his lap and placed a kiss on the left side of his neck. "What am I doing Christian?" My heart was racing. I was nervous to see how he was going to react to my actions. His hand then slid down my back and rested on my hips. I kissed his jawline, then his cheek, then his lips. This was our first kiss, and it was getting heated. I felt both of Christian's hands grab my ass tightly. A small gasp escaped my mouth. Christian's eyes met mine as he smiled at me.

"Another prayer answered. Feeling those pretty lips on mine."

I began to blush. Butterflies filled my stomach almost immediately. I began to feel something hard right underneath me. I looked at Christian and signaled with my eyes what I had discovered. "You did it," He shrugged. I looked away from him and giggled. I then felt a hand firmly but carefully grab my neck. Christian turned my face towards his and locked eye contact. "I didn't know you could get like this. I bet you could do a lot more I don't know about, hm?

I swear I would've folded right there and fell out if Christian's hand wasn't wrapped around my throat. He then placed one more kiss on my lips, put me back in the passenger seat, and buckled my seat belt. "I'm excited to see what more you can do in the future. But for now, I'm gonna need you to stay over there so I don't get you pregnant."

Christian winked at me and adjusted his seat back to normal. "Ready to go?" I nodded my head 'yes'. I couldn't even say anything right now, I was so turned on. He began to drive while I stared out the window still processing what just happened. About 15 minutes later we pulled up to a field that was along the side of a river. Christian parked the car and hopped out quickly to open my door for me. I stepped out of the car and stretched for a moment. I peeped Christian looking my body up and down as I did so. I enjoyed the little moment we had in the car 17 minutes ago, and I wasn't done.

I "accidentally" dropped my purse on the ground and of course, I can't just leave it down there. I bent over and made sure I took my time picking it up. I heard Christian blow some air. I laughed to myself. "You ok boo?" I walked over to him as he was grabbing a backpack and blanket out of the trunk. "Oh I'm more than ok, you're the one who won't be when I'm done with you." He looked at me briefly. "We'll see about that," I  replied.

We then walked side by side to the field and watched the river flow for a moment. Eventually, Christian put the blanket down and sat on top of it. I joined him and continued to watch the water. I didn't even realize he had set out a whole little picnic for us, I was focused on the river for so long. "Hungry?" He asked me.

"I could eat."

"Ok good. You eat and listen, I talk."

I nodded. Here goes nothing.

(I'm so sorry I kept yall waiting for another chapter this long🥲 Life has been crazy but I'm back to writing! Please keep voting and commenting on these chapters, I appreciate yall! Let me know if yall like this one, I know it was a littttle bit spicy🌶️ Also i'm seeing lots of comments about being a super senior, y'all😭 Christian was held back a year. I graduated at 17 but I graduated a year early, otherwise i'd graduate at 18)

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