Pt. 6

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TW// Mentions of Sexual Assault⚠️
Christian Pov - Monday, 5:18 p.m.
     Harper and I hopped into my car after saying bye to the girls. I put the key into the ignition and put on my seatbelt. "Well that was something," Harper said. I looked at him. "What do you mean?" "Nothing, I like them. They're both fine as hell too."

     "You mean Asia is fine as hell," I said. He looked at me funny. "Nah, I meant what I said. I thought you said Jada was fine." I scowled at him. "She is," I said as I began to reverse the car. "Alright, then what's the problem?" I sighed. "I don't want to hear you saying she is fine." He laughed.

     "You can't be serious right now." I looked over at Harper for a brief moment. "I am." He began to laugh even harder. "You barely know her." I stayed quiet with my eyes glued on the road. We rode in silence for the remainder of the ride. I pulled up to Harper's house and I unlocked the car doors. Harper got out the shut the door without saying a word. I drove off as soon as he stepped through his front door. I don't know why I was so upset that he found Jada attractive. Harper had called many girls attractive that I've been with and I've never been upset about it. I knew I was a jealous person, but this was something different.

     I drove the rest of my way home quietly. I pulled into my driveway and saw my mom's car was gone. She probably went out drinking again. I got out of my car and went in my house. I locked the door behind me before plopping down on the couch. I kicked my shoes off and propped my feet up on the arm of the couch.

     I took my phone out of my pocket and texted Harper.

Christian: I'm sorry for being weird. Idk what's going on

Harper is typing...

     I waited for about 2 minutes for his response, but I got nothing. I took a deep breath and stared at the ceiling. I know Harper isn't mad at me. He's probably just annoyed by my actions, which I could understand. I closed my eyes to take a quick nap. Hopefully, It'll make me feel better.

Jada Pov
     When I finally got home, I saw my mom's car parked right outside the house. I quickly put the car in park before getting out and running into the house. I hadn't heard from her all day.

     "Mom?" I went into the kitchen and found my mom making spaghetti.

     "Oh hey, Jada! I was waiting on you to get home." She pulled me into a tight hug.

     I pulled away from the hug and sat down at the kitchen table. "I have so much to tell you." My mother stirred the pot of sauce she had cooking before joining me at the kitchen table. "What's up?" She tucked a piece of my hair behind my hair.

     I could tell my mom about anything. That's one of the things I loved most about our relationship. "I met someone today." She began to smile from ear to ear. "His name is Christian."

     "Ok, tell me about him." I played with my fingers. "Well, he's tall, white, and smells good." She chuckled. "Go on." I took a breath. "Umm, he has gorgeous blue-green eyes and short dark brown hair." I didn't necessarily want get into any details. My mother cared for me a lot. I knew she wouldn't be ok with the type of behavior Christiaan presented, so I didn't want to say anything about it. She believed that if someone was so possessive over, they didn't trust you. I didn't think this was true. I think possessive people just care a lot.

     "He's very sweet, you'd like him." I smiled at her. She got up to stir the sauce some more. "He sounds nice, I'm glad you're making friends." "I do have friends."

     "Asia is one person," she said. I rolled my eyes. "Asia is the only friend I need." It was true. That girl was the best thing that has ever happened to me. She was there for me when I was sexually assaulted and my mom was out of town working. She's saved my life countless times and doesn't even know it.

     I pulled my phone out and decided to text Christian. He popped into my head a few times during my drive home. His gorgeous face that I could sit and admire all day.

Jada: hey stranger

     I put my phone on the table and talked with my mom a little more about my day. We ate spaghetti she made and finished up our conversation. I then decided to hop in the shower so I could get comfortable and watch a few movies.

     I grabbed a onesie out of my drawer along with a towel and washcloth from the hall closet. I went into the bathroom and connected my phone to the waterproof Bluetooth speaker we keep in the shower. I put my playlist on shuffle and stripped off my clothes before putting my hair into a bonnet.

 I put my playlist on shuffle and stripped off my clothes before putting my hair into a bonnet

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     I stepped into the shower and took a breath as soon as the hot water hit my chest. I stood and enjoyed the water on my skin for a minute. I washed up once with my rag and then once with my loofa and stepped back out of the shower. I grabbed my towel and wrapped it around my body.

     I disconnected my phone from the Bluetooth and picked it up along with my clothes from off the floor. I went to my room to dry off and put my lotion and deodorant on. I threw on my onesie and fixed both of the anklets I always kept on.

     After I was done getting dressed, I climbed into my bed and checked my phone. I had 2 new text messages. One from Asia, and the other from Christian. I opened Asia's first.

Asia💕: I think Im in love..

Jada: What? What are you talking about rn?

While I waited on her response, I texted Christian back.

Christian: hey beautiful🥴

Jada: hii, wyd?

He responded almost immediately.

Christian: just woke up from a nap, i was tired as hell. you?

Jada: I'm laying down, i just hopped out the shower

Christian: what you got on👀

Jada: clothes

Christian: what kind of clothes, show me.

Jada: it's just a onesie

Christian: idc, i want to see

I rolled my eyes and took a picture of me sticking up the middle finger with my tongue out. This would bother him for sure. I sent the picture to Christian and went back to check my messages with Asia.

Asia💕: Harper and I have been talking on the phone for forever ever since I've been home

Jada: alright, get you some then..😛

Christian texted me back.

Christian: you think you're funny or something?

Jada: I do actually

Christian: yea alright

     I laughed. It's literally too easy to get him irritated. I decided to take a few pictures and post just because I was feeling cute. After about 15 minutes of deciding which picture was best I posted it on my Instagram story.

     I then went on Netflix to look for a new movie to watch. Nothing on there interested me enough so I put my on my favorite, The Princess and The Frog. It's always been my favorite movie  since I was a little girl. I barely made it past the first hour in the movie before I fell asleep. I remember hearing my mom come into my room and plugging my phone up to charge before placing a kiss on my forehead. I smiled faintly and went into a deep sleep.

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