12. I Confront Hades Barefoot

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Chapter 12

I Confront Hades Barefoot

Theo POV

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Thank the gods Grover was part goat.

You see the only one who could semi keep up with me was Grover. As soon as I went down the rocky slope Grover stepped into overdrive, speeding over the rocks without even wincing.

He was obviously the closest one when I decided to take a one-way trip down into the darkness, and by some force of nature, he just managed to snag a finger on my hoodie causing me to jerk in mid-air slowing me down.

Unfortunately due to the sheer amount of speed the shoes were going and my weight Grover toppled over and was also about to be dragged over the edge but thankfully Percy arrived just in time and grabbed Grover around the waist and held him down as best he could.

The wings shoes were now straining so much to pull me down into the darkness I was half expecting smoke to come out of the sides.

"Theo!" Annabeth shouted looking down from the edge, panic lacing her voice.

Grover's grip was slowly coming undone as the shoes pulled harder and harder. I at best had seconds before I slipped out of Grover's fingers and was lost for good.

Gritting my teeth in pain I slowly pulled my left knee up until my kneecap was level with my belly button before I stretched as hard as I could without making myself heavier for Grover. Thankfully I was blessed with long arms and after a few seconds of pulling the knot in my shoe was undone and the left shoe flew off my foot and spiralled down into the darkness.

The right shoe was still pulling but obviously not as heavy.

"Can't - hang on- much- longer" Grover said through struggling breath.

I looked down at the darkness, I wondered if the owner of the mysterious voice was watching, smirking utterly amused at the spectacle. Or if he was mad that a winged shoe had just hit him in the head.

𝐃𝐢 𝐈𝐦𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐬 | 𝐏𝐉𝐎 𝐗 𝐌𝐚𝐥𝐞 𝐎𝐂Where stories live. Discover now