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This is a backstory of Selena this is also unedited probably all of the chapters will be because I'm too lazy to edit them so beware of bad grammar and misspelled words

My mom had left when I was twelve because of how awful and abusive my dad was.When she left my mom's parents blamed me,they thought that I had driven my mom insane to where she left.I don't know where she went and it's not like it matters because she probably wouldn't want me visiting her,and the chances of her visiting me are below zero.She probably would've taken me if she cared about me that much.

Even though it wasn't true my mom's parents ended up moving too,where?I don't know.After my mom left my dad became more of an alcoholic then he already was,he probably drinks more beer than he does water.Also when my mom left my dad became abusive,physically and emotionally ,never sexually but he sometimes makes sexually offensive jokes.Usually he doesn't talk to me when I'm home mainly because he's either asleep or blackout drunk.And when he is talking to me it's mainly because he's yelling at me or hitting me for something stupid like talking back.

I know my life seems like hell ,and it is but I still have a few friends that make it less depressing.Sometimes they can't even help but I guess that's fine because it's not like I have time to argue about them not giving me attention that I don't need.I never really needed attention because I always had other stuff to worry about so not having people talk to me for hours about themselves isn't my main concern.

Yeah here's her depressing backstory cause what's a wattpad character without a dramatic backstory.I know it's short but the chapters are gonna be pretty long so enjoy this I guess.

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