We Cracked The Code

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After at least an hour we hear a knock on the back door Robin jumps up from her seat to open the door,I continue to listen to the recording and flip through the translation book.As Robin opens the door I look over to see who's there,I see a man in a grayish uniform I can't see anything on his uniform to clarify what company he works for but it feels useless to know what company a random delivery man works for when I have to worry about cracking a secret Russian code.

As I see Robin sighing a clipboard I see her head pause as she's looking back up,I strain my head to see where she's looking but I can't tell since I'm behind her and my eyesight sucks.I hear the man say something but I'm more focused on what the hell is wrong with Robin and why she looks like she just saw a ghost."Robin?"I ask"What the hell is wrong with you it looks like you just saw a ghost."Robin runs inside looks dead into my soul and says"I cracked the code."My heart begins skipping beats,I feel lightheaded,we had just solved a Russian code,or at least Robin has.

"Well what is it?"I ask hoping that it'll make since."The week is long.The silver cat feeds when blue meets yellow in the west. A trip to China sounds nice if you tread lightly,"Robin says in a really bad Russian accent."What the hell is that supposed to mean?"Robin stares in my eyes and says"The cat on the guy's uniform was a silver cat and a trip to China sounds nice means that Chinese restaurant we have,and blue and yellow are the colors of the hands on the clock in the mall."I couldn't actually believe it,it made sense and we managed to crack it just in time before the mall closed."We need materials"Robin said"I think I know a place."She looks at me and I look at her.

We both run out of the back room"Go ahead to the front of the mall."Robin says"I need to get money ."I run ahead to the escalator and run up it pushing people out of the way as I'm running up the escalator I turn to see Robin running up behind me"Come on!"I yell"I'll leave with out you if you don't hurry up!"I run to the doors as I'm pushing open the doors I see the same group of kids that I saw this morning this time a see a new girl with them I decided not to eaves drop as I'm about to look for Robin she grabs my shoulder saying"Come on!We don't have time to stand and gawk at a bunch of middle schoolers."I nod and run to where I put my skateboard this morning and wait for Robin to get her bike,while I'm waiting I decide to listen to the middle schoolers convention I see the girl with brown hair walk up to the Wheeler and say"I dump your ass."I couldn't help my laugh mainly because the look on the Wheeler boy made me want to burst out laughing but I just let out a little giggle.

"Come on!"Robin said and before I knew it we were biking and skating to downtown Hawkins we got to the shop I notice Robin grabbing something out of her backpack,it was the tip jar that was sitting on the counter at Scoops Ahoy I look at Robin and say"We'll what are we waiting for?"

I'm gonna take a break from chapters but more are coming soon.Robin needs to stop looking us straight in the eyes https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ

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