I Didn't Plan This

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As I was skating through downtown Hawkins I saw one of the most unbelievable things,Jim Hopper the police chief with Joyce Byers!Not in a million years would I think I would see those two together,like normally and not something about Joyce's son Will.

I decided not to look mainly because I have a little respect for people,and plus Joyce Byers has been through a lot these few years so I guess I would be nice and lay off.Also while I was skating I saw Nancy Wheeler walking down holding two paper bags,I waved to her even though me and her aren't really friends I used to be friends with her in middle school and then we grew apart,but we don't hate each other we still are friends I guess.

She didn't wave back but I guess she had a lot going,because I heard that the assholes who run the paper that she's an intern for aren't too sweet when it comes to women so I can't blame her.I saw the normal amount of people protesting in front out town hall,there have been people protesting ever since they built Starcourt because I guess it put small businesses out of business I can't blame them but since Starcourt is kind of my safe place I wasn't really on their side.

I managed to make it to Starcourt before the morning rush came in.I managed to find a place to place my skateboard where no one could take it and I could find it,because I suck at finding things.When I walked in the smell of fried food and cheap perfume somehow welcomed me back to my safe place,where I didn't have to worry about getting yelled at for the smallest things or get hit for saying some the wrong way.I decided to go to The Gap as I took the escalator down I heard commotion behind me and I turned to see a bunch of kids pushing down the escalator I decided to move out the way,when they moved past me I recognized the faces,The one with black hair kind of puffy was the middle Wheeler kid,the one wearing a red and white tank top was the Sinclair kid,and the red headed one was Billy Hargrove's step-sister,and the one with a bowl cut was the Byers kid who had went missing two years ago.

They pushed past everyone and ran to that ice cream parlor that makes the poor employees wear stupid sailor outfits,that's pretty much the only thing I know about besides the fact the guy who used to be the king of high school was working there which always made me laugh to myself.When I got in The Gap I managed to look around for a few minutes until all the lights had gone out,I went out of the store to see the entire mall dark,I didn't have time to think how this could've happened because soon enough the power was back and everyone continued doing what they were originally doing as if the power outage never happened.

I began walking to Macy's when I heard some yell"Ahoy Ladies!"I turned my head to see the Harrington boy at the ice cream parlor talking to two poor girls who just wanted ice cream.I couldn't help but feel bad he just publicly humiliated himself but at the same time it was one of the funniest things I probably will ever see in my entire life.When I began getting hungry I decided going home wouldn't be the best choice so I decided to just get some ice cream at that parlor.

As I was walking there I heard someone yell"Henderson!"I look up once again to see the Harrington boy but this time he's talking to a child, I almost burst out laughing but I decide to hold it in.While watching I watch them reuniting and doing some stupid handshake this time I couldn't help but crack a smile not only was it hilarious but that was Steve Harrington I saw doing a handshake with a literal child.After the whole handshake rejoice thing I finally got to order as I was leaving I saw the kid the Harrington was talking to yell"I intercepted a secret a secret Russian transmission!"I turned my head so quick to just gawk at what this child had just said.

I managed to ignore it and just walk away to another shop,after an hour or two I go back to the ice cream parlor to see the girl who worked there having her head stuck through the window at the counter as I walked up I was about to say something but I decided to listen to what she was saying to whoever was back there.I kept hearing something about Russians I finally cleared my throat to see the girl yank her head out of the window and quickly turn her head to face me as she quickly put in a clearly fake smiled and said"Hi what can I get you today?"I rolled my eyes and asked"What the fuck did I just hear?"

Lol this was long.How dare Nancy not wave at us that little roach better apologize for waving.This was unedited so let's do a games to see how many mistakes are in here.More chapters coming

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