Welcome To The Book Universe

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Hey there, mystery surfer who has somehow come across this book!
I'm so happy to have you here.

The first thing I'd like to clear is that ghost readers scare me. Please, please, pretty please, a million please... Speak up.

I want to meet you. I want to touch and feel your online skin. I want to hear your online voice.

Why don't you tell me your name and how you came across this book?

Yeah, go ahead. Click on that comment box. It doesn't bite, and neither do I.

Moving on.

Mine blood-pumping organ is extremely thrilled that thine earnest knowledge-or-pleasure-seeking orbs gazeth upon these string of musings.

Please, pardon my pitiful attempt at trying to be poetic.
Shakespeare must be immensely ashamed of me.

There are two types of people who are reading this chapter now.


This is my category.

Call it whatever you wish.

•A bibliophile

•A bibliophage

•A bibliomaniac (No, we're not crazy. Check your dictionary, dude!)

•A bibliovore

•A book worm (PS: there's an actual worm by this name. And it literally eats books!)

•A book lover

If you're in this category, can I hear you hoot?

Seriously, I love you guys. Receive my virtual, across-the-web hugs and kisses.

Ha, it feels so good to see that I am not the only human being who is so obsessed with books and the magic in them.

And please, when I say 'Magic', I'm not talking Harry Potter or Merlin or Disney kinda magic.
You know, the ones with books that can make you time travel or change the world if you write anything in them.
Nah-ah. Definitely not that.

I'm talking about that surreal feeling that you can't put to words that grips you when you pick up a book to read.

You're here because you want to unlock the hidden wealth of books.

You want to understand why you love books so much. Why you love digesting those strings of alphabet to the point of being able to read even if you're on the brink of death.

You want to know why (ladies, listen) you want your beau to place a ring in your favourite book and propose to you in a library.
(Yup! An actual friend of mine said this is what she wants.)

Yes, you're eager to know that you're not going crazy or obsessed with books, and if you are, you want to know the antidote to curtail it.

You are scared that at the rate you're going, you might run out of books to read. (Did you know there's an actual name for the fear of running out of things to read? It's called abibliophobia. Don't fret, my abibliophobia friends. There is no way you can run out of reading material. That I can assure you.)

Might I say, you're in the right zone!


You're on the other side of the spectrum.

You hate books.

Like, you loathe books so much and are ready to become an anti-book tyrant that will burn up all traces of books from planet earth.

You even picking up this book to read is a random, once-in-a-green-moon, miracle (or accident?) which you're sure will soon turn into a nightmare.

In fact, you're considering dropping this book already (Because, what the hell did I just read up there? There are people who love reading? Geez).

Please, stay with me.
I was just about to complete your diagnosis.

The regular-day you cannot bear to read five lines.
That will only lead to a deep drowsiness or serious splitting headache.

Books bore you to Hades.

You detest anything with words on it.
Okay, how have you lived so far?

You're tired of reading and you just want to binge-watch the latest Netflix series or just sleep.

You need not fear. You're in the right place. And will soon receive an impartation of reading anointing.

That is, if, hopefully, you even get to this point in this book, or go as far as following this entire book.

I don't know if anything of this sort has been written, whether here on Wattpad or maybe published somewhere else (that'll be wonderful and sad. Wonderful, because I can at least have an idea of how this sort of writing is being done-sincerely, I'm a bit nervous about sailing uncharted waters. Sad, because how did I not know about that kind of book?)
But hey, there is nothing new under the sun.
If you know of one or two, I'd love you to recommend the title or author to me.

I want this book to be as interactive as possible.

I'm not an island. I also want to learn more.

All the advice I give here should be taken subjectively, please.
What works for me might not work for you because we're completely different human beings.
I'm no book guru, just a girl who wants to read, write, share my crazy thoughts and laugh.

Also, expect to see lots of jokes and hyperboles interwoven into this book.
I want to give it an informal, fun feel.

Hopefully, some of you guys will gift me with the sticker feature on Wattpad.
No one has done that yet and it breaks my heart. Will you?

I want to hear from you. Seriously, I don't want this to be a major case of the one-way radio that keeps babbling without ever wondering or pausing to know if anyone is even listening.

Ask away.

Suggestions on a new topic to tackle?
Suggest on.

Something that has worked for you that you wanna share?
Please don't be a tight-fisted ogre.

Something that you struggle with in the vast universe of books?
Let's cry and go for therapy together.

Anyone who gives an idea that I subsequently develop into a chapter will be given proper acknowledgements.

This book will be divided into categories/parts:

|1| •WHO?•







I know you're probably already confused by these bunch of questions. But don't worry. You'll get the hang of it soon enough.

Without further ado, let's slide into these things, shall we?


Before you slide further, don't forget to tell a friend about this magical world of books.

And don't skip over voting.
Voting is synonymous to you giving me a treat. And all it takes is one tap at that orange star smiling at you from that corner.
Have you done it already?
I trust you. Thanks.

You may now slide on.


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