Dora, The Explorer

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If you're not familiar with Dora the explorer, let me ask a quick question?

What exactly did you watch as a child?

Anyways, let me explain for the sake of those born during the Stone Age.

Dora is this cartoonish girl whose life ambition is to uncover mysteries... Which aren't mysteries per say, but actually babyish puzzles.

And now I'm thinking, Oh gracious Lord, what in Bahamas did they feed us with as children with all these cartoons?

Back to the focus of our discussion. Reading.

How does Miss Explorer have anything to do with books?

Well, you see, I'm using the analogy of this to explain a category of readers.

This type of reader has an average or really boring life.
No fun, no excitement, no big bangs.

Your only means of escaping this box is through a book.
A good book where you go to the catacombs of Egyptian pyramids to uncover a hidden wealth. A book where you go to a forbidden jungle just to confirm if a rumoured legend is true or not.

Occasionally, this category may take to watching movies too, but prefers a book, because you can build this imaginary world in your head.

The favourite genres of this type of reader includes the action, adventure, mystery and thriller.

A very closely related variant of Dora is the wannabe superhero.

You just read this amazing book where a superhero saved a poor baby from a burning storey building.

That's cool. But please don't be like my younger brothers.

It doesn't mean you should wear a cape around or search desperately for an unknown specie of insect to bite you or stand at the top of the highest point during a thunderstorm so you can be hit by lighting.

That's not safe.

Let's just say it plainly. You genuinely crave a sense of being able to save the world because, in reality, the only thing you might be saving would be the last box of Kellogg's cereal you have left in the world.

Which is not a bad thing.
Only that you should probably note that the danger and adventure you seek to explore isn't all that fun in real life like it's portrayed in books.

Are you this category of a reader?

Tag a friend you think/know who is this type of reader. Let's spread the fun, shall we?


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