|1| •WHO?•

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In this category, I'll be tackling the issues on both sides of the biblioverse (#Book-universe. I totally just made that up so don't be disappointed if your dictionary fails to provide the definition.)

That is, the type of book devourers we have and the types of book creators.


•Who am I? (Random things about me you should know if you want to keep reading.)

•Who are you? (Finding your category.)

•Who are the authors whose works you should read? (There are tons. You must know how to sieve the good from the bad.)

•Who should you or should you not read with? (Em. Reading partners. It's complicated.)

•Who should you read for? (For those who seek motivation outside themselves.)

If you have any suggestions, I'll love to hear them because I have serious plans to hopefully expand this section in the nearest future.

Thanks a gazillion times.

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No? You are hereby detained in this chapter until you comply.
Just kidding.
Come on, it's the era of free will.
So, I say please.

Yes? Then you are granted my sweetest permission to...

Slide on.

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