Issue #4: Turning Point

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"We have protein structure, rDNA chromatography, transgenics testing, that's X-ray video. That's the only one on the planet." Dr. Connors started showing me the equipments around the lab. "We have human line testing over-."

"I remember that." I pointed at a machine in the distance. "I've seen that before."

"The Ganali device?" Dr. Connors asked.

"Yeah, I remember a picture of that in my dad's office." I replied.

"The idea was so simple. You load it with an antigen. It creates a cloud which can be dispersed over a neighbourhood, even a city." He said while walking toward the machine. "Theoretically, you could cure polio in an afternoon."

"That's incredible." I muttered.

"Well, others disagreed. What if the device were loaded with a toxin? What if you wanted to opt out?" He asked. "You can't run away from a cloud after all, so here it lies, gathering dust."

We talked about various things before we got to a room with a huge round table in the middle of it. Dr. Connors started pushing some buttons and a holographic image of a lizard appear on the table.

"What you see here is a computer model of a lizard Many of these wonderful creatures have so brilliantly adapted that they can regenerate entire limbs at will." He explained. "You can imagine my envy. We're trying to harness this capability and transfer it into our host subject: Freddy the three-legged mouse." After he said that a hologram of a mouse appeared in front of me. "Enter the algorithm now." He said. I was about to type down the equation before I got a phone call. I sighed when I saw who it was that called me. It was Uncle Ben.

"You need to take that?" Dr. Connors asked. I just shook my head before turning off my phone and putting it in my pocket.


"Okay. Check." I muttered as I entered the equation. "See what I'm trying to do?" I asked him.

"Preempt the proteins?" Dr. Connors asked.

"Preempt the immune response." I replied. We both watched silently as the simulation began.





"Come on, come on, come on." I muttered.








"REGROWTH Complete."




"Extraordinary." Dr. Connors said to himself before patting me in the shoulder. "And thank you." He turned around and walked over to another table. There's two transparent glass boxes on the table. I walked closer and saw that there's a mouse in each boxes. "Meet Fred and Wilma, our three-legged mice." He grabbed Fred and handed the mouse to me.

"Hey. Buddy, I got you." I held Fred in my hands while petting it with my right thumb.

"Okay." He grabbed a syringe with some sort of green liquid inside before injecting the mouse with it. "Careful, don't want to stick you by mistake. Human trials aren't until next week." He joked. I let out a nervous laugh before slowly lowering the mouse into the glass box.

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