Chapter #01 : Different Situation

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A huge blackness dog was running on the urban of the city where everything is dark and there's only the street lamps at midnight and everyone is on their houses , the huge dog chased by a group of security team from five people who work at this night mission , three of them are humans (Alexander , Talor , Kevin ) while two of them are canines (David and Hikari ) and one of these two canines has a dark fur , they've been stalking the monster and following its path through the city at this very cold night

" We must stop him before it attacks another person ! "Alexander

" I have an idea ! we should stop the monster in a narrow corner so we can shoot it directly " Talor

"The idea seems great ,let's do it ! " answered Kevin

As the team was still chasing the dog , two of them changed their way close to the urban's corner between two buildings , the dog saw them in there , stopping his road until the monster changed its way next to the corner

" We did it ! let's get through there " answered David

As the team followed it inside the narrow corner , the monster find out that there's no place to run , the wall between it and the team , the team chose the way to shoot the beast and take it dead body away

" Hikari , David , shot him in the eyes and we will get the rest of the plan " Talor

The two canines get so close to the monster , they started shooting him pointing at the eyes and running from a place to another to keep its eyes away from the rest of the team , as they blinded it's eyes , both of them broke as glasses breaks and start flashing light black and white , Then the rest of the team managed to get in time and shoot it with a hypnotic fluid , the monster fell on the ground and the eyes were slowly getting dark

" Wooh ! we finally did it and defeated the beast ! , we've been taking too long more than usual " Alexander

" Yeah , let's split the team and take the body , Kevin , David , Hikari stay here and watch the body while me and Alexander were going to go and get the truck so we can move the blackness dog to the laboratory " Talor

Kevin and Alexander went to the company while the rest are watching out the monster , Hikari was very close to the dead body

" It's been six months since these dogs came in there and this one was the last , I wonder why they came in to this city suddenly " Kevin

" Yeah it's a total mystery , I wonder how they've been there , it's been so long since that time were we ended the very first mission , what are you saying about it , Hikari ? "

"Yeah I wonder- " Hikari

Suddenly , the dog was shaking it's body and it started to rise , the dog woke up and tried to attack the first person next to it

" Hikari ,watch out ! " Kevin

He turned his head to see the dog's huge mouth and sharp teeths , he couldn't move a bit from the shock of it's big mouth but his friend David was covering him , he came across between the monster and Hikari

" David ? " Hikari

David pushed Hikari away then , the blackness dog attacked David's right arm , the blood was flood and spit out of David's right side , his body was totally damaged and Hikari was shocked , Kevin was covering them and attacking the dog by shooting the guns and attacking it with a knife , David was loosing too much blood but he took the gun in his other arm to shoot the dog , Hikari pushed him away from the beast while Kevin was distracting it then he and Hikari reversed the roles

The Valued Roles Arc #01 : City StalkersWhere stories live. Discover now