Chapter #07 : Emotional Issues

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When Hikari finished his food with Aedel at the restaurant , he went to the company to his room and layed down on the bed after this day , he was still chating with Aedel and talking to her , he start talking to himself

" Aedel is very honest to me , she's being kind to everyone , especially me , she's also a small girl and beautiful as well , I like the way she talks " Hikari

He stopped thinking and realized a thing that makes him confused

" Wait - " Hikari

" Do I have a crush on her ? No it can't be ! " Hikari

He really got confused , it was his first time having a crush on someone , so he was just thinking about it , especially when she's a human not a white canine , it makes him whispering and thinking what to do about it, he finally decided to keep his crush on Aedel a secret , and continue everything as it was so he can forget this easily

He wore his clothes and went to the cafeteria to get his breakfast and to his office , it was one of his day works with archives that talks about the city's security system , he got an archive to complete and analyse, he went to his partner who managed to organise the files of every single client , but the file wasn't done yet , he searched for it but it was still not found , he came back to the office he searched for it until he accidentaly found an old pictures of him with David in one file , it makes him a bit depressed and it also gave him a flashback memories of him with his friend , he remember his first meeting with him...

Long ago Hikari was just a little pup , once he was taking his way next to an orphanage , he got noticed by a group of white pups who live in the orphanage , they've been mocking him for his look , his eyes and dark brown fur

" What are you looking like hayena , dog ! " said one of these pups

" You look awful , just look at how disgusting is he "

They've been pushing him on the ground , punching him in his face and hurting him , another pup called " David " was looking at the other pup's gathering , he gets there to see the dark brown fur was getting hurt at many places , his heart felt bad for seeing him at this situation , he felt angry and he tried to defend him

" Hey ! leave him alone ! he did nothing to you " David getting against the other pups

" Hh.. yeah , look who is trying to help this hayena , a crybaby " said one of these pups

Everyone laugh at him , but he was trying to resist them

" Say whatever you wanted , leave him alone " David

David took Hikari's hand and went inside the orphanage " Here , stay with me and don't listen to them , they all jerks " he continued " by the way , what's your name ? "

" My name is Hikari " Hikari replied nervously shaking his hands from fear

" Great ! nice to see you , would you like to be my friend ? " David

" What is a friend ? " Hikari

David was wondering how he don't know what friend it , he replied to him nicely instead

" I would like to , but come with me first in the orphanage " David

He took his hand and went to a pravite room , it has shelves with books and table with food

The Valued Roles Arc #01 : City StalkersWhere stories live. Discover now