Chapter #05 : Friend Of An Enemy

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Aedel was thinking about that guy who he saved her life , she was going to die like her family if he didn't come , she wanted to thank him but the nurse told her that he left an hour ago , then she remembered that she must go to Eyeleen's house to live with her

"How can I move now , miss ? I have to go to my friend's house " Aedel

"No , you have to stay here until you get healed , you still need rest , now I need to leave because there are other people waiting for me and I'm not going to repeat this again " The nurse

The nurse left the room Aedel was in , she wanted to sleep since there's no way out , but then she saw that the brown fur canine from the window was helping the other citizens to get there since they've been effected by these blackness dogs

She called him

" Mister ! wait I have to tak to you please wait ! " Aedel

He didn't hear her , she called him again

"Mister ! " Aedel

He turned his head into the window , he saw her and she was calling him but he wasn't listening at all , she layed on the bed for some minutes until she heard a knock from the door

" yes , enter please " Aedel

He opened the door , she was laying on her bed in the other side of the door , she got surprised that it was him

" You've been calling me , sorry for ignoring you for a while , I was having work to do " Hikari

She woke up from the bed

" Mister , I was looking for you , I just want you to help me at something " Aedel

" Yes , what is it ? " Hikari

" As you know , I lost my family by these dogs and I can't stay at home alone for now , I asked my friend to stay at her home , would you like to take me there ? " Aedel

" Now ? " Hikari

" Yes " Aedel

" You fainted when I caught you from that pit , you still feel bad , do you really wanna go at this night ? plus there's still dogs outside and I have to save other people too " Hikari

" I know , I'm sorry if I caused you some troubles but I do want to get there , I promised her to go and she's waiting for me "Aedel

" Alright , if that can help , then come with me " Hikari

She followed him outside the hospital , it was empty outside and nobody was around

" Which road should we go to ? " Hikari

She was pointing at the way where her friend's house is located

" Let's go there , there are small houses on this way , her home should be that way " Aedel

They walk to her friend's house way , they were many of those dogs but they didn't appear at their place , Aedel just remembered that she didn't thank that guy

" I'm sorry for forgetting that I should thank you , you saved my life , if you didn't arrive in there I was going to die " Aedel

" No problem , this is my job , I should be careful since these dogs are changing the place of attacks " Hikari

" I always wanted to meet one of you and Rick , you guys protect our city and that's so amazing , I wish I could help do something like you " Aedel

Hikari remembered that Rick told him about her

" I know that we met before at the cafeteria , but you are working on other places too and you like helping people as it was mentioned to me about you " Hikari

The Valued Roles Arc #01 : City StalkersWhere stories live. Discover now