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What's up you poor little assholes, it's me, the author of this god awful story you're currently reading.
Don't worry, I'm not gonna insult your taste in literature or whatever, just here to say some things so I don't have to explain shit later.

1: no Lenny faces, sex jokes, innuendos or any thing of the sort UNLESS the character is of consenting age. Yes, this includes the child forms of adult characters, I don't care if they're an adult in another part of the timeline;digital or not, a minor is a minor.

2: no arguments in the comments section.

3: I have no fucking idea what the plot of naruto is besides a few clips and some swagkage vids, so don't expect me to accurately portray character personalities.

4:the main character, aka: Gil will not be able to use chakra (basically Gil pulled a rock Lee but don't worry they will still be able to use the eight gates). I know that chakra is one of the standout features of naruto but Im honestly tired of fics where the main character just gets chakra without any problems.

5: I can't exactly write smut so there may or may not be lemons in this fic. If you came here to see Gil eat tsunade out while she's doing a mission briefing, It might happen.

6: this is my first fic ever so sorry if I can't write.

7: I can't draw for shit so sorry if y'all don't know what Gil looks like.

8: there will be no ships involving Gil because they are an aromantic. Also, they're a hermaphrodite.

9: I have absolutely no idea when or if I will update, hell, I might even forgot about this fic altogether.

10:I do not own the story of Naruto or Naruto:shippuden. All credits go to the original author of Naruto, Masashi Kishimoto.
I am merely using the characters and world he created. The story will deviate from canon, but probably not by too much.

11: there will be ways to distinguish thoughts from dialogue and spoken words. 'Bold text like this is for thoughts and has quotation marks' while "text like this that has speech marks are for when someone is speaking" and text like this is used for regular dialogue that doesn't involve thoughts or speaking .

Alright that's all the ones that I can think of for now, I might add more notes in the future but we'll see.

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