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After my little breakdown we got off the floor and went to the living room well they did I went to my room to change

After my little breakdown we got off the floor and went to the living room well they did I went to my room to change

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After that I went downstairs and said I was hungry so they said we'd go out to eat we went to saddle ranch and it was awesome after that we went to the beach and hung out me and Landon got soaked form the salty ocean water kells thought it was fun...

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After that I went downstairs and said I was hungry so they said we'd go out to eat we went to saddle ranch and it was awesome after that we went to the beach and hung out me and Landon got soaked form the salty ocean water kells thought it was funny so I gave him a big hug and he chased me and I ran in the water and he followed I fell and went underwater and then came back up to see kells laughing his ass off so I went up to him and jumped on him which surprised him so he fell over and so did I AGAIN I laughed this time me and him splashed around some more and then we all left I went home with Megan and Kells and once we got home I went upstairs and changed

After that I went downstairs and said I was hungry so they said we'd go out to eat we went to saddle ranch and it was awesome after that we went to the beach and hung out me and Landon got soaked form the salty ocean water kells thought it was fun...

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After that I lates down in bed and scrolled through insta I checked the time and it was pretty late so I went to sleep

Next day
( I would like everyone to know I miss Cooper so much and no I am not using him for clout plz understand that)

I woke up and got dressed

I went downstairs and saw kells and Megan I said good morning and started eating my breakfast I was going through instagram and discord when I saw sab ( Yes Sabrina Quesada) said

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I went downstairs and saw kells and Megan I said good morning and started eating my breakfast I was going through instagram and discord when I saw sab ( Yes Sabrina Quesada) said

I went downstairs and saw kells and Megan I said good morning and started eating my breakfast I was going through instagram and discord when I saw sab ( Yes Sabrina Quesada) said

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I was super confused so I just kept going through insta when a post from BFFs podcast showed up and it said

I started crying and set my phone down but then picked it up again and called Landon because I knew he was also friends with cooper

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I started crying and set my phone down but then picked it up again and called Landon because I knew he was also friends with cooper

You: Landon cooper he's he's gone he was found I. The parking lot at the mall In La
Landon: What your lying right
You: No I'm not check you socials
He checks and comes back on the phone
Landon: I'll be over soon
He hangs up I sit there crying super hard processing what has happened I heard Landon's voice and tan and hugged him we then decided to go out we went to the skate park I skated for awhile thinking about cooper soon we left and I dropped Landon off at his house and then skated home I then posted a TikTok

You do the one at 47 seconds

Caption: Oh how I miss you sweet boy rest easy baby say hi to my grandpa for me


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After posting I went and changed into sweats and a crop top I then looked at my hand seeing the butterflies me and coop  got on our hands awhile back I cried and cried soon it was dinner time and kells came in
You: Hi
Kells: I heard what happened I'm so sorry baby
You: He's in a better place now he went through so much though from the age 9-19 so about 10 years man he didn't deserve the cards he was dealt
Kells hugs you and soon Megan comes in and joins you cry into Kells shoulder
You: I'll eat and then i think imma go on a walk
They nod
You eat and then leave with your phone
You walk and make it to coopers favorite skatepark no one is there so you sit there and smoke a blunt
You: This ones for you coop
After that I went home

I am so sorry for this being sad but I miss Cooper and thought I'd mention him

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