Chapter One

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  Childe snickered as he saw the omega tremble at his feet. He felt a certain type of pride doing this. The omega was naked and trembling at his feet completely at his mercy. The door to Angel Share swung open and Diluc rushed and and towards the two. He grumbled and threw his jacket around the omega who trembled in his touch. He walked past Childe giving him a cold glare.
  "If you keep knocking on the door of Satan, its only a matter of time before he answers. I hope he answers soon for you." He said. Childe scuffed. "You can't scare me. You're weaker than me despite being the strongest omega I know." He chuckles as he saw Diluc accompany the omega home.
   Diluc went back to Angel Share pissed. Kaeya snickered at him. "Was it Childe again?" He asked. Diluc stopped mixing his drink. "Hey Kaeya...Can you help me with something?" He asked. Kaeya hummed passed the rim of his almost empty glass. He set the glass down on the counter. "Depends on what it is Master Diluc." He answer. Diluc paused for a moment. "I'm getting sick of Childe coming here and traumatizing the omegas here in Mondstat every time he comes. While we can't stop him for visiting, we can give him a taste of his own medicine." He started. Kaeya smirked at the idea.
    "Are you saying we should give our great friend Zhongli a call?" Kaeya asked happily. Diluc nodded. "I am." He answered. "I told myself only to call Zhongli in dire situations. And i thought that since stupid orange haired fauti piece of garbage keeps knocking on Zhongli's door why not let him answer it?" He said pouring the man a new drink. Kaeya's smirk only grew. "Yeah, I like this plan. Its been a long while since we've seen him. A visit is already very past due. Don't you worry sweet Diluc, your big brother Kaeya will take care of it." He said snickering. Diluc smiled. "Thank you Kaeya. Seriously." He said relieved. Diluc went back to working serving customers and exchanging glances with Kaeya every once in a while.
   Diluc looked at the clock and hurried back over to Kaeya. "My shift is almost over Kaeya, you don't have to wait up on me all the time. I'm sure Albedo is already home and waiting for you." He said. Kaeya set his glass down. "I'm not taking my chances. Not while Childe is still in town." Kaeya said. Diluc sighed. "Mondstat isn't big and Dawn Winery isn't that far. I'll sleep in that smaller apartment I bought here for tonight. So please don't worry too much." He said. Kaeya nodded. "Fine but do you have your pepper spray and dagger on you?" He asked. Diluc nodded and pulled the pepper spray out of his pocket and the dagger that was hanging from his belt loop. Kaeya stood up from the counter after finishing his drink.
   "Kaeya, bring Albedo some flowers I'm sure it'll be a nice surprise." Diluc suggested. Kaeya snickered. "Yeah, I'll do that. Be careful getting home don't lower your guard until you're home." He said closing the door behind him. Diluc started kicking people out. He headed into the back and began to change back into his regular clothes. He heard the door swing open. "Sorry sir, you'll have to come back tomorrow we just closed 15 minutes ago." Diluc said heading to the front. His eyes were immediately glued to the fatui alpha standing on the doorway. "Its okay I'm not here for a drink." Diluc backed up against the wall. "Why are you here? What more could you possibly want?" He asked. "No need to hostile. I just wanna chat." Childe said walking towards the counter.
     Diluc shook his head. "Stay back." He said. Childe snickered. "That's no way to treat an customer. Someone should teach you manors." Childe lounge at the other man causing some of the bottles to fall on top of them. Diluc was quick to pull his pepper spray out. Diluc successed in pepper spraying the alpha. Childe hissed in pain. Diluc got up from the ground and dashed to the front door. But Childe was quicker. He grabbed Diluc by the ponytail and dragged him back. Diluc began scream and trying to.pull away from the alpha. Childe slammed his fist into Dilucs vocal cords. Diluc felt the air knock out of his. Childe snickered. "Its such a shame I had to silence you. I bet your moans would have sounded so heavenly." Childe mocked. Diluc quickly crawled away from the alpha who only followed him.
   Childe pulled Diluc but his hair and forced him to sit on his lap. " Now now. Its amazing how this shirt was able to contain these nice boobs and not pop a button. Must be great material. " Childe commented before ripping Diluc shirt open. Childe licked his lips. With Diluc still struggling to get away from him it was easy to see the jiggle his "boobs" did. Childe latched on to one of his nipples causing him to tremble. Diluc pushed away from Childe but it didn't work.
    Diluc was pressed against the table in front of them. "I adore your scent. It makes me think of camping. You smell like fire wood has anyone told you that?" Childe asked. Diluc struggled to hold back tears when Childe ripped his pants off of him. Diluc was desperate to get away and picked up a pot but before he could do anything with it Childe took it and through it towards the door. Childe turned back to Diluc eyeing his work. Diluc was bleeding from his head with a tear stained face. He shirt being the only thing left on. He was trembling like a leaf.
   Childe smirked and let out a few laughs. "I can't wait to break you." He said leaning back over. Childe began to leave hickeys and bite marks on Diluc neck. Diluc grabbed on empty bottle and threw it to the ground. Diluc hoped that would get someone's attention. Diluc closed his eyes and hoped that Venti would come looking for another bottle. Kaeya would come back realizing Diluc never made it back to his apartment. One of the guards on duty who have heard the struggling and bottles smashing. His boss who would come in and make sure Diluc locked up. "Anybody please help me." Diluc thought. He felt the weight of the fatui alpha being ripped off of him. When he opened his eyes Venti was there growling and Kaeya was there standing in the doorway. Albedo standing behind him.
    Diluc felt more tears coming down his face. Venti had pulled Diluc close to him trying to cover the taller omega as much as he could. "I came in because I smelt Diluc distress hormones. His normal warm summer smell was replaced with firewood and smoke." Venti growled. "I hate to see my favorite omega hurt because of a shrimp dick alpha who doesn't know self restraint or have any respect for another human being. Get out of here. Never appear in Mondstat again. I'm sure you'll regret it if you do." Venti said. Kaeya moved himself and Albedo off the the side to allow the fatui alpha to leave.
    Childe snickered. "No I'll be back. I won't stop until that red head is mine." He chuckled out. Venti growled but felt a small tug on his clothes. He looked down to see Diluc's tearing eyes. Venti nodded. "Its okay I'll take you back to your apartment and let you nest. You can borrow my cape if you want too." He whispered to him. Diluc nodded. Venti helped Diluc down from the table and wrapped his arm around the taller mans waist. Diluc limped over to his jacket picking it up off the ground. He shook some of the glass off of it but the jacket was pretty much ruined which sucked because it use to be is fathers. He dug around in the pocket to find the keys. He  limped to Kaeya and placed the keys in his hand. Venti rubbed Dilucs back and lead him out of Angel Share.
   Venti sighed in anger. "Im definitely requesting Morax to come here. If I wasn't sure than I'm sure now." He said. Diluc nodded. "Do you want to go see Barbara and Jean now or do you want to wait until morning?" Venti asked looking up at the omega. Diluc tried to say something but nothing came out. "Oh I see he destroyed the one thing you need to talk." Dilucs nose picked up on the smaller alphas angry scent.
   Diluc trembled and started crying again. Venti rubbed the mans back and offer support to him every step of the way. Diluc decided he would head home and go see Barbara first thing in the morning. Diluc picked up the key from under the door mat and used it to unlock the door. He pushed it open and went into the closet. He pulled out a bunch of blankets and pillows. Venti stood and watched as Diluc made his nest he used three cushions from the couch he had and used it as kind of a wall barrier before placing the blankets and pillows in a circle. When Diluc had enough blankets and pillows for his nest he got up to change into a night shirt.
     Venti was about to leave when he felt a tug on his sleeve. He looked back at Diluc his eyes begging him to stay. Venti walked over and locked the door before allowing Diluc to lead him to his newly built nest. Venti has been trying to court Diluc since he met him. So being invited into Dilucs nest was a huge step for him.It told Venti that Diluc trusted him so much as too allow him of all people into his nest. Venti only new one person allowed in Dilucs nest and that was Kaeya. But that was when the two were children. Diluc's father had taken in Kaeya when he was abandoned in front of the winery so many years ago. Kaeya swore to protect Diluc not only to his father but to himself.
    Venti was pulled out of his thought when Diluc laid his head on his chest. Venti removed his shoes and hat setting them outside the nest. Venti removed articles of his clothing to get comfortable. Diluc got up and went into a room. When he came back he gave Venti a night shirt. Venti was quick to take it and once he was finished Diluc laid his head back on Venti's chest and went into a much needed sleep. Venti couldn't help himself and began to smile.

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