Ep. 16

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I went back to my room, and ryujin is sleeping. I planned to wake her up to tell her already bc i can't wait to see her reaction about this.

Yeji: "Ryuddaeng, wake up. I have something to tell you" i said while patting her cheeks. She just moved and didn't respond to me

Yeji: "Ryujinnie!! Wake up i have something to tell you." I said

She finally woke up

Ryujin: "Ugh what's with you hwang yeji, how is it important that you have to wake me up in the middle of my sleep??" she said and now she's mad

Yeji: "I like Shin Yuna" i said

Ryujin: "I don't ca- Whattt??! are you serious about that??!" She asked she's so shocked. It's funny

Yeji: "Yes, and now you can sleep" i said and pretending that I'm leaving her

Ryujin: "Yahhh, lets talk about it!!! Since whenn??" HAHAHAHAHAHA she's so funnyy

Yeji: " It's a secret HAHAHAHAH are you happy? You have no idea, do you?" I said while laughing bc of her face

Ryujin: "Yeaaa, i sometimes noticed but you're a flirty woman, so i thought that you're just messing up with her" she said

Ryujin: "Yahhh you can't date each other!" She suddenly remembered

Yeji: "I know, it's not allowed if we got caught. And yahhh don't jump onto conclusions bc I'm still having doubts bc maybe bae and her are already dating. Or she will not like me back" i said

Ryujin: "She will not like you back?? yahh that's a lie. Just use your charms hwang yeji. Even me if I'm not your friend i would probably fall in love with you" she said and she acted like vomiting

Yeji: "Yahh you're so mean" i said

Ryujin: "but seriously, what's your plan?" She asked

Yeji: "I'll do my thing starting tomorrow, so don't ever mention bae again bc it's ruining my day always everytime im hearing you shipping them" i said and laughed

Ryujin: "Oppsss I'm sorry I didn't know HAHAHAHA. Goodluck to you Yeddeong I'm rooting for you and for your love life" she said



Grr goodmorning today is the dayyyyy. I'm waiting for yuna I'm in her room right now. she's still drying her hair and she keeps checking on her phone. Maybe she's talking to bae.

We left her room, and she's carrying her duffel bag, looks like it's heavy bc she's struggling

Yeji: "Let me carry that" i insisted

Yuna: "You sure? Thankyou Yeddeong but Where are your bags?" She asked me bc she noticed that I'm not bringing anything

Yeji: "They're in the car already" i said

We went downstairs, yuna is behind me and suddenly i saw bae at the entrance she's waiting for someone, maybe it's yuna. bae saw me and greeted me since I'm her senior "Annyeonghaseyo sunbae" . I just walked straightly to my car, and ignored her like what I'm doing to others

I put yuna's bag inside my car

Ryujin: "Yahh Hwang Yeji, what are you doing?" She asked me. She's inside Chaeryeong's car that is parked next to mine

Yeji: "Doing what?" I asked

The she pouted and pointing at the direction where yuna and bae are talking

Yeji: "Do i need to do something?" I asked

Ryujin: "Ofcourse! Pick her up now" she said

Yeji: "Okayyyy" i said

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