{ Prolouge}

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Hey guys! This is my first MHA fanfiction, I hope you like it :)

The ship is bakudeku

Just a quick backstory on Bakugou and Midoriya:

Bakugou never bullied Izuku. Bakugou knew Izuku was getting bullied and helped him but after a while, he stopped talking to Izuku and moved schools.

Katsuki never told Izuku why he left so Izuku thought that Bakugou got tired of protecting him leading to the same thing that happened in the canon ( Bakugou telling Izuku to jump off a building) except the difference is that It was someone else, not Bakugou. Like I said Bakugou didn't bully Izuku in this fanfiction.

And a reminder this is an omegaverse.

3rd person Pov:

" Izuku dear, wake up, you're going to be late for school!!" Inko midoriya says, opening the blinds in Izuku's room. Izuku midoriya is a normal kid in middle school, whose dream is to become a great hero like All might.

" I'm up mum, geez," Izuku mumbles, rubbing his sleepy eyes. Izuku sighed looking at his clock before grudgingly getting out of bed. He didn't want to go to school, he knew he'll only get bullied by the other kids but he didn't want to worry his mother. After all, she was doing everything she could to make sure he had a good life.

Izuku's father left shortly after he found out that Izuku is quirkless and on top of that he's an omega. People made fun of him and bullied him for being quirkless. His best friend was the only one that stayed by his side when his mum was at work.

" Izuku I'm just worried about, you know that. I come home so late and you're always awake. I told you to sleep, you don't have to worry about me. I'm an adult," Inko says making the bed. " Also did you take your pills sweetheart?" Inko asks facing the bathroom Izuku had entered.

Izuku looks out the bathroom door and smiles at his mother. " Don't worry mum I took them yesterday and I have some in my bag," Izuku reassures her.

" Alright then I'll start breakfast so you get ready," Inko says, placing a kiss on Izuku's forehead and walking out the room.

Izuku shook his head, smiling before getting ready for school. He looks at himself one last time in the mirror and grabs his bag, noting down to get new books after school.

" Great timing Izuku, I made pancakes, sit down and eat," Inko says placing down the syrup on the table. " Thank you for the food," Izuku says, placing a pancake on his plate.

Inko and Izuku ate their food in comfortable silence until the doorbell sounded. Smiling Izuku got up, thanking his mother for the food, and making his way to the front. He opens the door to see a blonde staring back at him with a scowl visible on his face.

" Sorry to make you wait Kacchan," Izuku says, closing the door behind him. Izuku smiles at Katsuki and walks down the stairs, Katsuki following him quietly. "We're going somewhere after school nerd," came a voice behind him. Izuku looks back and looks at Katsuki with wide eyes. " Kacchan I have to get new books," Izuku explains, his face pained. Katsuki just sighs and walks up to Izuku, putting a hand in Izuku's messy hair. " We'll make a stop to get your nerdy books first then alright?" Katsuki says, patting Izuku one last time before grabbing his hand and dragging a rather speechless nerd behind him.

Neither Izuku nor Bakugou spoke on the way to school, they made their way up to their classroom and sat down in their seats waiting for the bell to go. Bakugou sat with his legs on the table with an angry look on his face. Izuku smiles at him and takes out his notebook, hoping to get some more ideas before class starts.

That's until......

A bunch of kids crowd around Izuku's tables with smirks on their faces. Two of them were Katsuki's friends and they had their quirks activated. Izuku gulped, shrinking back into his seat hoping he'd disappear without them noticing but he guessed life had other plans for him since one of the kids grabbed him by the shirt and threw him out of his seat. He winced from the impact and let out a whine.

" Please stop," Izuku mumbled. He shut his eyes tightly. Two of the kids grabbed him by the collar and punched him in the face. The others watched in amusement and laughed as Izuku stood there helplessly. All when he thought was over, a kid smacked him with something in the stomach and left. He couldn't make out anything, everything was blurry. His head was spinning but he didn't stop looking around the classroom. He coughed out some blood and covered his mouth with his hand. He wanted to have a normal life.

The sound of the bell rung through the school and everyone filed in, taking their seats. They didn't notice Izuku in the corner of the room and continued talking. He wanted Kacchan, he wanted his mum. He wanted to leave and never come back to this school but he had to finish this school year as his mum had said. The teacher came into the room a while later and everyone quietened down. Izuku sighed, trying to get up but failing as his legs gave up and he fell straight into the table next to him. Everyone turned around in his direction and stared in horror. The teacher yelled out for someone to take Izuku to recovery and soon he felt himself being lifted up from the ground and he groaned from the pain.

" Izuku what the hell happened?" a voice asked, frustrated. Izuku shook his head and fell asleep in Bakugou's arms.

Izuku woke up a few hours later to see Katsuki sitting in a chair beside him scrolling through his phone. He blinked a few times before letting out a whine, hoping to catch Bakugou's attention. And it worked. Bakugou looked at him and got up from his chair, sitting next to Izuku on the bed. " Izuku are you okay?" Bakugou asks, cupping Izuku's face.

" I'm fine Kacchan, can we just go home please?" Izuku pleads. Katsuki just sighs and picks Izuku up, slinging both his and Izuku's bag over his shoulder. " We're not going anywhere today I guess," Katsuki says, making his way out of the school with Izuku wrapped around him. The two boys made their way to Izuku's house talking about heroes and society. " I don't want to be a quirkless omega Kacchan," Izuku says, sniffling. " I know Izuku but I promise you I'll protect you, I'm sorry I left the classroom and let those bitches hurt you," Katsuki growls. " It's fine Kacchan, it's not your fault, besides you can't protect me forever you know?" Izuku laughs. Katsuki just stayed silent as he opened Izuku's door. 

" Kacchan put me on the couch, I want to watch a movie," Izuku says pointing towards the couch. Bakugou scowls and puts Izuku down, putting the bags on Izuku's bed. He walks out of Izuku's room and walks into the kitchen knowing Deku hadn't eaten anything the entire day. He still had to break out the news about studying aboard to Izuku. He didn't want to break the poor boy's heart and what worried him more was the fact there was no one to protect Deku after he left. He growled inwardly thinking about stupid people that hurt Deku today, nearly breaking the plate. He loosens his grip and puts the noodles on the plates, grabbing the hot sauce before leaving the kitchen. 

" Nerd you have to eat first," Katsuki says, putting the food down on the table and grabbing the remote from Izuku's hands. " Kacchan don't be mean! I want to choose a movie," Izuku cries out. Bakugou rolls his eyes and puts the remote aside. " If you don't want me to tell Aunt Inko what happened at school today, you better eat your food first," Katsuki remarks. Izuku looked at Katsuki with sadness lacing his face, looking defeated Izuku picked up the plate and began eating. 

" Wasn't that hard now, was it?" Katsuki says, ruffling Izuku's hair. 

The boys spent their afternoon watching movies and completing homework while talking about their future. Katsuki grinned at Izuku as he talked, guilt-tripping his mind as he thought of ways to break the news to his friend. 

Neither of them knew what the future held for them both. They just hoped they'd be together until the end. 

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